Intro 4: Star-Crossed Rovers Sun Mar 26 2000 >> The forest is rich with the sound of animal life, the lush verdage spreading for miles behind, and opening into the prairieland ahead, where passing herds of buffalo graze. The sunlight shines through the canopy of leaves and paints patterns in shadow on the forest floor, where a man and an animal sit, and a slab of meat on a stick roasts over a crackling fire. * Hikaru takes some of the meat off and gnaws on it a bit. >> Rayle scratches his back with his left foot and yawns silently. "Thinking of going to that festival today, 'ikaru?" Hikaru: Well...not like I have anything better to do...'sides. What harm's there in trying to have a social life? Rayle: *flicks his ear idly* Odd f'you to say, but I certainly agree. Jus' try to stay out of trouble, mm? Y'got a bit of a temper on ya. >> The wind rat nibbles on a bit of meat he's clutching between his paws. "'Ey 'Ik, what d'you think about yer future?" * Hikaru raises an eyebrow. "'Scuse me?" Hikaru: Odd question. Rayle: Well, ya got a decent life out 'ere in th'woods, but 'sthat all ya really intend to do wit yer life?" Hikaru: What else is there to do? I mean, geez... Hikaru: Towns are so...well... Hikaru: Full of stupid people. :P Rayle: Well, yeh, I s'pose, but still. Yer in th'prime of yer life 'ere, be a shame to spend most of it roastin' goblin meat off a spit, eh? Hikaru: ...You make so damn much sense it's annoying. Hikaru: that case...*finishes off his breakfast* Shall we get going? ^_- Rayle: Livin' out 'ere gives ya plenty of time t'think. *he bobs off the ground, rights himself, and lands on all fours, having finished the meat. "Right O. Bit of a walk to Adlehyde yet." * Hikaru stands up, adjusts his scabbard, and puts on a wide-brimmed hat. >> The two of them depart to the windswept prairies of Adlehyde kingdom, where grass seed and pollen drifts through the sweet-smelling air, and the cloud-speckled sky goes on forever in every direction. Rayle seems to have a perfect sense of direction, and sits on Hikaru's shoulder, periodically pointing out the way. Rayle: So, what d'ya think ye'll do when y'get there? Been a while I wager. Hikaru: Dunno. Hikaru: Try to get girls, perhaps... maybe burn what little money I have on the festivities? ^_- Rayle: Eh, I see, th'age-old pursuit? T'aint many girl-types of my species around, y'know. Shame, 'tis. Hikaru: Ya never know...You might find someone. ^_- Rayle: Ya, s'true! Still, I rather fancy th'bachelor's life at th'moment, I think. Hikaru: Hey...nothing wrong with havin' a girlfriend. Rayle: Nah, but ya and I, we got a got thing goin' 'ere, eh? S'right dull staying in one place all the time...girl might tie ya down. *he coughs and flicks an ear* 'Less yer into that sorta thing, 'course. Hikaru: Depends on what you mean by tying me down... ^_- * Hikaru coughs and points "Anyways..there's the town over there on the horizon! ^_-" Rayle: Oh, lordy. Still, 'angin' around that there forest's a bit old too, if I do say. Oh? Why I do b'lieve yer right. Good eyes 'Ik. * Hikaru walks there doubletime ^_^ >> Smokestacks and city walls loom over the horizon, tall stone buildings and towering, smoke-belching smokestacks like black fingers clawing at the heavens. Rayle chitters. "Grand, eh?" Hikaru: Big, at least. Rayle: Ever'ting's big these days. Specially to a tiny bloke like meself. >> They soon arrive at the tall iron gates of the town, spread wide to reveal a colorful world of shopfronts and bustling crowds. * Hikaru blinks. "Bigger than I last remembered." Rayle: Well, it prolly looks bigger coz of the festival an' wot. *standing on his back legs, he kicks off Hikaru's shoulder, floating like a balloon to land gracefully on the brim of his hat, where he peers around.* >> Rayle takes time to look about, then frowns, and goes to work undoing a mat in his fur while Hikaru wanders. * Hikaru wanders aimlessly ^_^ >> There are signs everywhere pointing to the main body of the festival, so Hikaru winds up following them, past balloons on strings and streamers wound around clotheslines from one building to another, past cheerful partygoers, and, oddly enough, great quantities of scowling, armed guards. * Hikaru blinks. Hikaru: Something big happen recently? O_o Guard: Move along. *glare* >> Rayle hops back down to Hikaru's shoulder and whispers in his ear. "I think I know what this is about..." Hikaru: Uh, sure. * Hikaru keeps a hushed tone. "You do?" Rayle: Yeh, I get around, y'know? Ya 'erd o'Death? Th'guy, not th'thing. Hikaru: (q) Uh...yeah, Tall, lanky, wears black cloak and cowl, uses scythe, kills people...what about 'im? Rayle: Right y'are. No one's found 'im since 'e offed th'prime minister, so they're all right worried, on account o' the royal family's gotta appear in public to start the festival officially, later t'day. Hikaru: (q) Um...kay. Rayle: Just 'ave a care. 'Ey might accost ye if ya start wavin yer pokin' stick around. ^_^ * Hikaru rolls his eyes. "You make it sound like it's a 3-year-old's toy." >> The blue rat shrugs disinterestedly. As they approach the festival grounds, a pretty, blonde woman approaches Hikaru, smiling. Woman: Hey there, are you Hikaru? * Hikaru blinks. Hikaru: Nani? >> Rayle snaps out of it, eyeing her suspiciously. Hikaru: Yeah, Hikaru's my name...But I'd much rather you call me yours.. ^_- Woman: Oh? I'm Sally. We haven't met, but my friend described you to me. Hikaru: Friend? >> She nods. "He's really tall and muscular. Former strongman. He said he was hoping to meet you here, but I'm afraid we sort of got separated. Did he catch up with you? ^^; " * Hikaru raises an eyebrow. "I've never met anyone like that..." Woman: *bites her lip* Are you sure? You didn't see him around? I need to catch up with him, it's a big city... Hikaru: Uh.. O_o Hikaru: How do you know my name? Woman: He told me! ^_^ Like I said, he was looking for you. He didn't tell me why. Hikaru: does HE know my name? Woman: You...*she frowns* Well, he said he knew you. I domn't know any more than that - he never talked about it with me before. I'll tell you what...I'll be hanging around the entrance to the festival grounds, if you run into him would you tell me? >> Rayle crouches on Hikaru's shoulder and wiggles his nose, glowering. Hikaru: Yeah...sure... * Hikaru sounds slightly wary as well. >> The woman goes back to where she was before, and Hikaru passes by her. Once they're out of earshot, Rayle sneezes and shakes his head vehemently. "S'all damn odd if ya ask me. 'ow'd anyone know yeh'd be 'ere t'day o' all days?" Hikaru: (q) That's not what worries me. Rayle: Eh? Whassa problem then? Rayle: Couldn't be anyone yeh knew from Artica, could it? Hikaru: (q) That's what I'm afraid of. Hikaru: (q) If it's an old acquaintance from Arctica, I'm royally shafted. >> The wind rat chuckles. "Well, shouldn't be too 'ard to find a big macho bloke, eh? I'll keep th'proverial eye outa my 'ead for 'im." Hikaru: ..Yeah, I guess... * Hikaru wanders into the festival site... ^^; >> The town is lively and bustling, a cavalcade of bright colors and wonderful sensations, but soon Hikaru finds himself wandering near a number of large, adjacent warehouses. Their plaster walls are missing paint in so many places they look like a speckled world map, and there are splotches of fresh paint where graffiti has obviously been painted over for the festival. A small, mangy rat brushes past Hikaru's foot, clutching a piece of popcorn in its forepaws protectively. Hikaru: ... >> Meanwhile, opposite the row of warehouses, cheerful tourists and locals play a game with bright, water-filled baloons, laughing and talking. * Hikaru blinks. "I really need to pay attention to where I'm going." Rayle: Yeh, y'never know what kin 'appen when ya get lost, eh? >> Hikaru gets bodily yanked into a warehouse and a door slams behind him, plunging him into near-darkness. * Hikaru wideeyes! * Hikaru is yanked and plunged into near-darkness! >> There's someone or something clutching the front of his shirt, and he feels hot breath on his face. Hikaru: ...Uh...Hi. Hikaru: Who are you? And you mind letting me go? >> A deep, gravelly voice speaks out of the void. "Hikaru?" Hikaru: ...I'll ask again. Hikaru: Who are you? * Hikaru instinctively grips the hilt of his sword... >>, if the voice is to be trusted, pushes him against a wall, and steps back. There's a tiny arc of light and a whoosh as a match is lit, throwing out a ring of faint orangey light. The man who stands before Hikaru is huge and almost grotesquely muscled, with a thick beard, small eyes, and a hairy, scarred chest revealed by his choice of only light pants as his outfit. >> He looks oddly familiar, but Hikaru can't place him... * Hikaru snarls. "Answer me or you won't get the chance." Macho Man: You don't need to answer, you've got the same look about you. *he grunts* I am a friend of your master, lad, and therefore a friend of you. I have a message I want you to deliver to him... Hikaru: My master? * Hikaru narrows his eyes "I no longer have a master, and haven't for 2 years." >> The man scowls. "You've forsaken a great man." * Hikaru blinks Hikaru: Excuse me? Hikaru: Forsaken is not the word. The man is dead. Hikaru: He is still my master, but in spirit alone. I believe there is no way I can deliver a message to him. >> He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it, his dark eyes flashing. "Fuck!" With a lightning movement, he whirls and smashes his fist into the rough plaster walls, not even flinching, but facing Hikaru again with bloody knuckles, repeating his curse under his breath. Macho Man: Two years...has it been so long...then what have I been doing all this time!? Bah. *he reaches into a leather pouch at his side and pulls out a letter, tearing it up angrily* That fool was a step ahead of me all the way. Hikaru: ...I'm sorry? Hikaru: Who was? Sir Thompson? Macho Man: You don't know how sorry I am, boy. Thompson...Aaron was a little crazy, but he was a good man. Desmond was a loose cannon from the start. *he shakes the match out and lights a second, propping it up on a dingy, cobwebbed table and fishing about in his bag* Hikaru: Desmond? Macho Man: Look, I can't waste time. He may already know I'm here. Take this. *he hands Hikaru a letter, bearing the seal of a golden, roraring lion's head on a dark blue background* How would you like to meet a princess, boy? * Hikaru raises an eyebrow "It'd be a bit of an adventure...what's the catch?" Hikaru: Stuck up, really a guy, insane family trying to kill her for the throne, what? >> The man jabs the letter with his index finger. "You honor your master's memory and deliver that to her. It might be a bit of work to get it to her, but once you do she'll appreciate your efforts. I've seen to that." Hikaru: Not a problem. Hikaru: Where do I find this princess? We talking Adlehyde's princess here? >> He looks at Hikaru for a second, consternation rippling across his harsh features, before shaking his head and sighing. "You look a lot like you did then. Yes...Princess Amelia Ryan Adlehyde." Hikaru: I'll be sure to deliver it to her, sir. Still...can I at least get a name? Hikaru: Uh, your name, I mean. ^^; Macho Man: It may be awkward getting to her with all this security...but I've waited years for this, it's okay if you need to wait a bit longer, SO LONG AS YOU REMAIN EVER VIGILANT. *having raised his voice, he looks about suspiciously, despite being surrounded by darkness.* Achilles Crest. Tell no one what happened here...and take this. It belonged to your master. >> He pushes something cold and round against Hikaru's chest, then picks up the dwindling match. Hikaru: ...Keep at it..gotcha. Achilles Crest...I've heard that name before... * Hikaru holds the object curiously. >> The man snorts in bitter amusement. "Yes, I suppose you have. And that's why you must not mention it to a soul. I've spent too long here. We may not meet again." Hikaru: Right. * Hikaru blinks "Say...someone named Sally is looking for you..." >> The match snuffs out, there is a breeze of movement, and the warehouse door clicks open, shedding light on an empty warehouse. Hikaru: ...Okay, I guess he didn't care. ^^; Hikaru: Either that, or this "Sally" person's someone he doesn't want to be around... * Hikaru takes the time to look at the object. >> Hikaru holds in his hands an arm-brace bearing the same crest as the letter. As he stares at it, the memories taunting him with vague familiarity finally return in force. >> Twenty years ago, there was a group of four men called the War Kings, who travelled the world having adventures, righting wrongs, and seeking challenges. They were folk heroes whose strength was renowned, and many governments unsuccessfully tried to curry their favor. The lion was their symbol...and Achilles Crest was one of them. >> The names of the other three mockingly escape him, for twenty years ago the War Kings broke up, went their separate ways for unknown reasons...of the four of them, only Achilles Crest remained in the public eye, becoming a champion in the Isle of Conflict's bloody arena, where it was rumored he came from to begin with. Hikaru: ...The brace of the War Kings... Hikaru: Was Sir Thompson...? * Hikaru blinks and walks out. * Hikaru stops for a quick moment. "Rayle? You okay?" Hikaru: You haven't said anything for a while... >> As he steps outside, he realizes with a start that his companion is gone, a trail of his footprints leading off away from the fairgrounds to the adjacent warehouse sector. Hikaru: -_- Great. * Hikaru follows the tiny itsy-bitsy footprintsy. --Previously...-- >> The festival grounds are a swirling vortex of activity...people come, people go, they play games, they call out to their friends...and amidst it all, like the eye of the hurricane, a tall, pale young man stands ternly, moving with the crowds but not really seeming to be doing anything... * Allen glances through the crowd, looking for anyone who can get him out of here. >> From the throng, he spies a tiny nimbus of light, weaving its way from person to person like a will-o-the-wisp... * Allen 's pulse quickens. >> As it gets closer, he realizes that it is the effect of his mystic spectacles giving the tiny form its glow...whatever it is, though, it's very small, and not human. Allen: ... >> Suddenly a boistrous person in a large, ugly sombrero blocks his view, shouting to "join the party". * Allen does his best to evade the creature. The last thing he needs now is to be recognized. However.. the fact that it is a "creature" and not a human grabs his interest...he can't decide whether to run away or get another look. * Allen puts on a smile for the drunkard >> He has a difficult time evading it due to Sombrero Guy, who has more or less hidden the creature from view. When he moves, the deftly moving thing has vanished. * Allen relaxes a bit and continues his search for some sort of long-range transport. >> He suddenly hears a voice whispering RIGHT IN FRONT OF his right ear. Voice: Psst. Mind 'eadin' somewhere a bit more private? * Allen turns to look.. >> There's no one there. O_o >> He hears the voice again in his left ear! Voice: Yer a bit dense eh? * Allen looks again. But doesn't expect much. >> A strange, blue rodent the size of a larze guinea pig hops down off his shoulder, hovering in midair at eye level with no apparent effort. "Like I said...y'mind if we go somewhere a mite less crowded?" Allen: uh.. * Allen stammers. Allen: Sure. * Allen adjusts his spectacles, perhaps they're blurry.. * Allen looks again. Allen: Oh dear. Allen: Um.. lead on? Rayle: S'good, s'good. I'm Rayle, pleased t'make yer acuaintance. *he lands in front of a nearby warehouse, running off into the warehouse district and away from the fairgrounds with surprising agility. * Allen makes haste to follow the.. thing. Allen: (aside) this is crazy. or at least pretty silly. * Allen remembers to watch for recognition. >> The two of them wind up in a more or less empty section of the city, where no colorful streamers or bobbing baloons are hung, but instead tin cans and dirty paper litters the street, and identical squzre buildings in various states of disrepari box them in. >> Seeing that they're alone, the creatute runs sideways up the wall of one of the warehouses, bobbing up and down at eye level again. "Now...I'm 'at wot they call a "wind rat". Kinda a long story. I'm curious about you. What's yer name?" >> Despite his apparent protestations of unfamiliarity, the glasses continue to show otherwise. Allen: um.. My name's Allen. Yours? >> The wind rat clicks his teeth irritably. "I already said, dinni? I'm Rayle, though yeh can call me whatsoever y'please." Rayle: Yeh got th'look about you of a bloke wot needs a 'elpin' 'and. Allen: Well, yes. In fact I am in quite a fix. I need to get out of here as soon as I can. Or at least find a secure hiding place. * Allen glances over his shoulder. Rayle: Mm. Think I can get yeh in contact wit' a friend o' mine, if yeh can do me a bit of a favor... Allen: Oh, er.. what sort of favor? Rayle: Well, it's a matter of 'EY! STOP RIGHT THERE! *his comment appears to be directed to someone behind Allen* * Allen spins to look. >> Allen finds himself looking at a brown-haired, gangly man in the process of absconding with most of his meager possessions. Rayle: 'E was takin' yer stuff! Of all th'friggin' nerve! Allen: Hey! Come back here! * Allen takes chase! >> Rayle drops to the ground, then kicks off into the face of the thief, who blinks at the sheer oddness of the sight, puzzled enough to get hit in the face with one pound of wind rat and knocked over, rubbing his nose. "Ow! Jeez!" Thief: Ugh. I'm not built for this sort of thing! * Allen positions himself within spell proximity, just in case. Allen: Who are you! Give me back my things! * Allen tries to look menacing. fails. >> The fellow gets to his feet with some difficulty, and looks around for an escape route. "I really dislike this..." Male Voice: Gotten yourself into trouble again, eh Turquoise? Allen: If you dislike it, perhaps you should not do it. Give me my things and- * Allen looks around for the new voice. >> A second, much larger man steps out from an alleyway, clothed head to foot in hot pink chain mail, and wearing a scabbard. * Allen 's eyes go wide Turquoise: Fuschia! This is the most perfect timing anyone has ever had anywhere EVER! *sneers tauntingly at Allen* The guards are all back at the festival grounds...the streets are empty...and it's two against one! >> Rayle backs off, landing on Allen's shoulder and whispering to him. "C'mon...yeh can take these pansies on...they took yer stuff!" * Allen looks at Rayle Allen: (I'm no fighter!) Rayle: Ah bosh. Yeh can do it! Just give it a try. >> The warrior apparently called Fuschia chuckles, speaking in a deep, resounding baritone. "You there, having second thoughts?" * Allen brandishes his staff, playing for time... * Hikaru taps Pinkie over here on the shoulder with the hilt of his sword. Fuschia: I'll show you the power of the Pink Python! *reaches for his sword, then turns around blinking* Nani? Hikaru: Hey there. Picking on innocent bystanders? That's not very nice. * Hikaru punches Fuschia! ^_^ >> Fuschia reels, almost tipping. "Who are you? How dare you interfere?" * Allen prays for luck and whacks Turquoise on the head. Hikaru: I interfere because you happen to be picking a fight with my travelling companion. >> Turquoise blinks and yanks out a wand, then gets bapped and falls on his ass, responding by shooting a razor-sharp ice crystal at Allen, which, luckily, zooms right past. Allen: (aside) me? Rayle: 'Ey 'Ik! Great timin', sorry ta leave yeh in th'lurch like 'at. Think yeh can 'elp my new pal 'ere with 'is little bandit problem? Allen: (aside) oh, him! * Allen readies a fireball... but balks at frying another human. * Allen remembers that ice thing. Allen: Ah, yes. Combat! Front Row: Fuschia Back Row: Turquoise Round 1! * Hikaru feints around the two color-challenged men and takes a position in front of Allen! Fuschia charges! Force+1! >> Fuschia flexes, then draws his blade. "Soon you will feel my icy cold steel cutting you to ribbons! Cower in fear at the power of a real man! Hikaru uses Hypercharge! His agility goes up 2 levels! Hikaru: And at the power of stock dialogue... Hikaru: Yare yare... * Hikaru uses Hypercharge in a nondescript way until he can come up with a spiffy alias! Turquoise charges! Force+1! Allen uses Holo Doppleganger! He gains an imaginary double! * Allen mumbles for a moment, then suddenly there are two of him! Turquoise: Hey. How come I can't do that? ;_; Round 2! Hikaru uses Strength Flash! His Str is +2 levels this round! * Hikaru holds out his sword and draws energy into it until it glows a bright red... Hikaru uses Concussion Slash on Fuschia! * Hikaru draws more energy into his sword in the typical Fast Draw fashion and releases it all in a slash to Fuschia's head! 25 damage! Fuschia is confused! Fuschia: I will rend you like a...euuuh. Fuschia attacks Hikaru! Hikaru: Hey. That's sound much more like you look now. ;) * Hikaru holds up his sword in a blocking motion! Fuschia: Splitting into ten won't save you this time! 8! 8! (16) Turquoise casts Sleep on Hikaru! * Hikaru tries to catch the sword in his hand. It doesn't work well. ^^; Turquoise: This will render you just the way I like you...helpless! Hikaru: Yeah. Sure. Hikaru: Shut up, kay? Hikaru resists Sleep! Turquoise: Well damn. ;_; Allen casts Flame on Turquoise! * Allen gathers up a fireball and lobs it at Turquoise. 127 damage! @_@ Turquoise gains a level of force! Round 3! Everyone gains a level of force! Turquoise is Condition Green! Hikaru evades! * Hikaru takes evasive action! Fuschia uses Hypercharge! Agility up 2 levels! Fuschia: You are not the only one who can use the ancient art of Fast Draw! Mwahahahahahahaooooh, piggies...@_@ * Hikaru rolls his eyes. "Wierdo." Turquoise casts Heal on himself! Regains 73 HP! * Allen takes note of the little swirlies spinning around Fuschia's head. Allen Charges! Force+1! * Allen says "ohm.. ohm.." Round 4! Fuschia uses Concission Slash on Turquoise! Hikaru: Hey! Hikaru: No fair stealing my moves! Turquoise: Darkness beyond twilight, cri...hey! @_@ 26 damage! Turquoise resists confusion! Hikaru charges! Force+1! * Hikaru charges for the big move! ;) Turquoise: Well damn, I totally lost my place now. Oh, right...we've got to do something about you! Turquoise casts Sleep on Allen! Allen falls asleep! * Allen has a sudden fondness for the letter 'z' Allen is asleep. Round 4! Fuschia recovers from Confusion! Fuschia attacks Hikaru! Fuschia: Feel the power of my strike! Hikaru: Feel the power of my not giving a damn. Miss! 8! (8) * Allen mumbles "feena powder. . *snore* Fuschia shakes his sword angrily. "My blows are useless! What dark magic is this!?" Turquoise: Maybe you just suck. Fuschia: What? Hikaru: It's called SKILL, retard. Turquoise: Nothing. ^_^ Hikaru: I have it, you don't. Hikaru uses Fenrir Blade on Turquoise! * Hikaru holds out his sword in a typical Fast Draw manner, channels energy into his blade, twirls it once, twice, and charges forward, running Blue Boy through with the now powerfully charged sword! Turquoise: And then you blame it on your sword. You're just a damn wuss! And if I'm saying that, that's pretty damn AAGH! Hikaru: Also...take a hint...usually it's not good when your outfits could serve as replacement foglights. ^^; 132! Turquoise is KO'd! Fuschia: Hmph. I can finish this battle on my own! Allen awakens! Round 5! * Allen rubs his eyes. Hikaru: Sure you can, Pink boy. Fuschia uses Concussion Slash on Hikaru! 9 damage! Hikaru is confused! Hikaru attacks Fuschia! * Allen digs through his notes to find an attack spell.. Hikaru: Gah! You dare use the great Hikaru's moves against him? WA-TAK! 26! 23! (49) Allen uses Attack Roulette! A ray of searing light arcs from his staff to Fuschia! 59 damage! Allen casts Flame on Fuschia! * Allen throws a fireball at The Pink one. 67 damage! Fuschia is KO'd! Victory! 30 EXP and 0 gella gained! * Hikaru shakes off the little swirlies. ^^; >> Fuschia collapses with a clang. * Hikaru looks back. "Nice, whatever your name is..." Hikaru: Say, can I have my wind rat back? Allen: Allen. Um.. sure. * Allen looks for the wind rat..?? * Allen remebers his stuff! Rayle: Oh, Allen, this 'ere's my pal I was tellin' yeh about. >> Allen acquires Stuff! Hikaru: Anyways... Hikaru: Allen, was it? Allen: Yeah. * Hikaru extends his hand "Name's Hikaru Fujimiya. Say...what are your plans?" Allen: Er.. thanks for helping with these.. er.. people. >> Rayle zips over to Hikaru, braking in thin air to plop down on his shoulder. "'Ey 'Ik, y'think y'could do me a bit've a favor?" Hikaru: Not a problem. Some people need the sense knocked into them with large, painful objects. Hikaru: Yeah, Rayle? I got things to do though, so it can't be anything like going to save the world or anything... Allen: Speaking of favors, Rayle.. er.. what was that you were saying before these weirdos showed up? Rayle: Nah, s'nothin' tough. 'Is 'ere's Allen, a new friend of mine. 'E needs a place to hole up. Would ya mind takin 'im back t'the campsite with ya for a week or two till 'e can find passage out 'o 'ere? We'll wait for th'end o' the day first natch...after all the trouble you went to, I s'pose you both deserve to have a bit of a good time, eh? *flicks an ear* Hikaru: Actually... * Allen looks around. >> The place is empty except for Hikaru, Allen, and the two swirly-eyed unconscious bandits. Hikaru: .oO("It's okay if you need to wait a bit longer, SO LONG AS YOU REMAIN EVER VIGILANT." he said...) Hikaru: Yeah, I guess I can, Rayle. >> Rayle chitters and grins. "Thanks 'Ik, yer a good fella. 'Ey, I lost yeh a minute back there? Was that anything?" Hikaru: Yeah, but it's nothing worth talking about. * Allen blinks. "Really? wow! thanks Mister Fujimiya.. er.. as long as it's not too much trouble." Hikaru: None at all. >> He accepts this, beckoning to Allen with a tiny paw. "Follow along, we might as well make a day out o' this 'ere festival thing s'long as we're here." * Allen follows. * Hikaru does too, kicking Magenta or whatever his name is in the head once for good measure. >> The three of them head out of the dingy, depressing warehouse district and into the bright noise and cheer of the fairgrounds. Fuschia: @_@ Tis only a flesh wound! I have not yet begun to fight! ...oog.