Intro 3: Dawn Sat Mar 25 2000 >> The streets are empty at this hour, but the clanging of the eternally-running factory machines echoes from one empty, bare-brick wall to another, across the vacant streets. A cold wind blows, and bent aluminum cans rattle across the asphalt. Colorful streamers and signs hang from the tops of the buildings in preparation for the great festival tomorrow, but all things take on a dark purplish hue in the twilight before dawn. * Jeff wanders down the street, carrying the parcel and smiling to himself as he looks at the decorations. "Should be quite a day tomorrow.." >> The estate he is heading to looms dark and gothic in the surreal, umbral world of before- morning, only two blocks away now. Somewhere in the remote distance, a dog's mournful cry resounds, falling on the deaf ears of the sleeping city. * Jeff continues walking, glancing alertly around himself as he goes but not allowing the surroundings to affect his cheery disposition. >> He arrives at the tall wrought-iron gates that bar the way to the estate, and, looking down, sees again the note attatched to the parcel, saying to push it through the bars of the gate and leave. Evidently even the servants are asleep now. * Jeff shrugs, thinking the isntructions a bit odd, but walks over and slides the package in between the bars. >> It thuds to the wet grass, and a faint light comes from one of the windows. Meanwhile, it's a long walk back home... * Jeff pauses for a moment, then turns and starts back. >> The walk back is as slow and bleak as the walk there. A piece of a crumpled newspaper blows past him, and a gunshot resounds from somewhere far away...not an uncommon occurence, any more. * Jeff sighs at the gunshot, and shakes his head. >> He catches a hard blow to the face and is knocked backwards. O_o * Jeff winces and stumbles back. "Ow! What the..?" >> As his vision refocuses, he sees a woman in front of him, short but muscular. She has a shaved head and is dressed in robes. Leather straps are tied around her fists, and she stands in a battle stance, glaring daggers at him. * Jeff takes another step or two back, moving into a defensive ready stance. "What was that for?" Warrior: You are Jeff Claren? Jeff: I am. Warrior: I have waited a long time for this day. I will send you screaming down into the firey breast of Angol Moa! Combat! Front Row: Sevena Jeff: You.. what? Who are you? I don't even know you! Sevena: I am Sevena Stricken, the Seven Strike Warrior! You destroyed my life and honor! Jeff: Sevena Stricken...? Listen, I don't know what you're talking about... I've honestly never heard of you before! Are you sure I'm the guy you're looking for? Sevena: You are the student of Kasam? Sevena attacks! Jeff: Yes, I am! Jeff: ..or was.. Sevena: That's all I need to know! I'll teach you to fear me! Miss! 20! Miss! Jeff uses Reflex Boost! Agi and Dex up 1 level! Jeff: You had a quarrel with master Kasam? Sevena: That's all done with. My quarrel is with YOU! Sevena charges! Force+1! Jeff attacks! Miss! 31! 31! (62) Round 3! Everyone gains 1 Force! Jeff uses Reflex Boost! Agility and Dexterity up another level! Jeff: I still don't understand this! What quarrel? Sevena: You robbed me of what was rightfully mine! I intend to demonstrate my right to! Sevena uses Seven Strike Rush! >> Sevena moves forward in a blur, attacking at a dizzying number of angles. 21! 22! Miss! 20! 21! 21! Miss! (105) Force+1! * Jeff tries to keep up, vainly trying to ward off the blows. Counter-29! Round 4! Sevena: That's impossible! How can you still be standing!? * Jeff winces. "That's quite the trick, there.." Sevena: Exactly! Do you have anything to match the caliber of my technique? I think not! Jeff: We'll see! Jeff uses Mystic on the Crystal Lens to cast Willforce! Jeff uses Restore! Recovers 39 HP! Why he didn't use a Heal Berry, we'll never know! >> Sevena wideyes and snarls. "You bastard!" Sevena uses Assess! Sevena: Hmph. You're almost gone, and then that trinket will belong to me! Round 5! Jeff: We'll see about that! Jeff uses a Heal Berry! Recovers 50 HP! Sevena attacks! >> Sevena rushes forward to deliver three more deft jabs. Miss! 23! 22! (45) * Jeff winces as he takes the hits. "I'm not going to win this way..." Sevena: Bah, this isn't getting me anywhere...*dances back, putting up her fists in a defensive stance* Round 6! Everyone gains 1 Force! Jeff: You still haven't explained what this is all about! Jeff uses Mystic on the Black Belt to cast Strengthen! His Strength goes up one level! Sevena: Hmph. You mean he really never told you? That stupid bastard. I am Metramand Kasam's rightful heir! He shunned me in favor of you! You SCRAWNY...WORTHLESS...PATHETIC excuse for a warrior! Sevena charges! Force+1! Round 7! * Jeff changes stance, his face staying calm. "Master Kasam never mentioned you, yet you say you studied under him as well. Considering your style, I believe it... and I may now see why he ceased to teach you." Sevena: Of course he didn't. He wanted to START OVER! After all I did for him! And don't...don't you even suggest that I'm not worthy. I am a greater warrior than you could ever dream of being! Jeff attacks! 39! 38! 34! (111) Sevena charges! Force+1! Jeff: I'm suggesting that attacking me wasn't the wisest course of action you could have taken. Round 8! Jeff: Two students of master Kasam.. we could have taught each other much.. Sevena: Oh? You have a better idea? I have NOTHING to learn from you! I'll teach you to COWER! Jeff evades! Sevena uses Seven Strike Rush! * Jeff raises his guard. "I'll not cower. You may be more experienced than I.." 21! Miss! Miss! Miss! 21! Miss! Miss! (42) Jeff: ...ouch.. but you're acting so rashly! Counter-33! 38! (71) >> Sevena drops to one knee, rolling to the side and popping up again, breathing heavily. Round 9! Everyone gets 1 Force! Sevena evades! Jeff attacks! 35! Miss! 37! (72) Sevena is KO'd! Victory! Jeff: ...such a shame.. Jeff gains 50 EXP! >> The bald warrior woman falls on both knees, clutching her stomach and gasping in huge breaths, wincing each time. Sevena: I...will not be defeated here...not by the grace of the Dauphin! * Jeff sighs. "It doesn't have to be like this, Sevena.." Jeff: Come on.. let's talk about this. Sevena: You're a fool! You have the power to fight, but are still afraid to! *she pushes herself to one knee, standing up shakily and lurching away* I can't lose...I can't lose! I am not afraid of any challenge! Jeff: I'm not afraid to fight, Sevena. * Jeff sighs, watching her go. "..I just hope that things can be worked out without having to. Master Kasam taught me that..." Jeff: When you have to fight, you do.. when you don't have to... you don't. Sevena: Everyone says that...but they all...*her accusation is interupted by a painful, hacking cough* I'm going to tear down all their bravados...and...and DON'T YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE A CHILD, YOU BASTARD! JUST BECAUSE I'VE BEEN HURT! >> Sevena begins to glow with an unnatural fury, her aura flaring. Sevena charges! Force+4! Jeff: ...oh shit. Sevena: I will not die now. Show me you fear me even when I am weakened! Round 10! * Jeff sighs, raising his fists again. "Why me?" >> Sevena hisses. "Run! Be a coward! Fear death! Fear me! I'll tear you apart!" Jeff attacks! Jeff: I'll not! Jeff: I don't want to hurt you, but if you're going to make me, so be it! Sevena: Then...I'll SHOW you fear! I'll show it to you!! Everyone! Critical-60! 40! 34! (134) Sevena survives with 1 HP! Sevena uses Paragon of Terror! >> She shakes with unreal fury, her eyes glowing flames, waves of terror and rage raditiating outward from her. * Jeff blinks, looking a bit shocked. "Zephyr help me..." >> Sevena suddenly lurches, blood bursting from nine separate points on her body. Critical-691! Critical-659! Critical-595! 435! Critical-704! 405! 384! 461! Critical-659! (4993) Sevena is KO'd! >> A mysterious ass-saving NPC appears! * Jeff blinks as Sevena falls, whirling to face the direction the shots seem to have come from Jeff: Who's there? >> A huge man stands where the woman was a moment before, while she lies bleeding up against a wall twenty feet away. The mysterious figure is dressed sparsely and for a warm climate, with a bare, hairy chest covered in hige scars. The metal staff in his hand is drenched with blood, and looks heavy enough to punch a hole in a stone wall. His face is harsh and bearded, and he has muscles so huge even his veins seem muscular. Macho Man: You shouldn't pick on people, Sevena. *he turns to face you, his small, deep-set eyes staring down. After a moment of scrutiny, he grunts and offers his hand to shake.* You are Jeff Claren? * Jeff blinks glancing once at Sevena before turning back and shaking the man's hand. "I am, yes.. thank you." >> She twitches periodically, but otherwise remains unconscious. The man's hand is huge and totally envelops Jeff's, and it's clear that he has to work at not yanking him around when he shakes. He glances around, then crooks his finger toward a shadowy alley, heading inside. * Jeff follows the man into the alley. >> Once there, he drops his voice, keeping a look-out to the street outside. "Do you love your late master?" * Jeff looks a little surprised at the question. "I... as long as I knew him, he seemed like someone worthy of it... he was my teacher.. in a way, he was almost a second father to me." >> The man grunts approvingly and produces a letter from the pouch slung over his left arm. He hands the letter to Jeff - it bears the seal of a gold roaring lion's head on a dark blue background. The symbol seems strangely familiar... "I was a very old friend of your master's. He would want you to do this for him...deliver this letter to Aaron for me." Jeff: To.. Aaron? Aaron who? * Jeff takes the letter, looking briefly at the seal before sliding it into a safe place. >> The man looks increasingly nervous as time goes on, pushing the letter to Jeff's chest and hardly paying attention as he answers. Jeff: Excuse me? Sir? Who's Aaron? Macho Man: Thompson...The Eater of Souls. I can't stay, I'm in - *there is a loud crash from outside the alley, and the sound of approaching footsteps* O_o * Jeff turns his head sharply towards the footsteps. >> A gangly man in dirty, torn denim overalls kneels down outside the entrance to the alley, picking up trash from an overturned bin. Dirty Man: Damn things right in the middle of the street. >> He rights the bin, then looks at Jeff, blinking. "Whatcha doing there?" * Jeff glances towards where the large man was, expecting to see him gone. "I was just coming back from making an odd-hours delivery." >> His expectations are confirmed. Meanwhile the garbage man goes about his business, muttering and chewing on a toothpick. * Jeff shrugs, and starts walking again, heading back for home, mulling things over. >> As the sun rises, Jeff walks off down the dingy, asphalt streets, pondering. The smokestacks above belch a miasma of soot, the ground below is infested with vermin feeding on the casually discarded refuse of society...and far behind, unseen by all, a dark figure envelops Sevena's battered form in the folds of his cape, and melts into the shadows.