--- Jeff/Neydisa Lude 1: Silent Gale --- Session Start: Tue Jul 30 18:32:15 2002 --SESSION START-- >> Before Jeff and Neydisa stands the six-foot-tall chain-mesh fence that marks the boundary of the Baskar Reservation. A gate has been built into the fence, but it is rusted open from years of disuse. A few lights shine in the town proper, a half-mile beyond the boundary. The night is curiously silent, and the air smells -- not clear, but much less pervasively of burning oil than most civilized areas. «ooc: Go. » «ooc: Bwa bwa... BWA-bwaaaa » «ooc: as the gate closes you hear Shane laughing maniacally. » * Jeff looks around, smiling. "It's been a long time since I was here.." «ooc: Recall that it's night, BTW. » * Neydisa looks behind her another moment at the empty air, turning around to regard the fence and Jeff for a moment. >> The full old moon is hung high over the town, radiating a dim light into the darkness. Even this late at night, with autumn in full swing, the air is hot and humid, and the verdure reflects the temperature. Trees are thin and tall, crowned with thick masses of shifting leaves, and the ground-cover is primarily waist-high grass, though this has been hacked clear along the path to town. The colours tend more towards gold and brown than green and blue, and in the moonlight take on a ghostly hue. So this is Baskar... isn't this where you discovered your calling, Jeff? * Jeff nods. "Yes.." * Jeff chuckles softly, then shakes his head. "Shall we?" * Neydisa breathes in a few times, finding herself liking the cleaner air. "Much as I'd like to admire the natural, I'm curious about many of the stories I've heard about this land." >> The nighttime humidity clings to the travellers as they approach the town, forming droplets on their skin. * Neydisa starts moving down the path with a small smile. "But, I'm sure it will be alright... lead on on, Jeff." « er strike that extra on. ^^ » * Jeff nods, and starts walking as well, moving towards the rusted gate «ooc: I rather like http://warpg.rpgcafe.net/files/quietude.mid for this. Or the Baskar theme. » « gimme just one sec to get more comfy. hands too jittery ^^ » >> Within a few minutes the pair has reached the limits of the town itself. Here, the air carries a faint odour of woodsmoke. Only a few people are visible in the dirt paths dividing the settlement, and most of those are clustered around small fires in circles. «ooc: what is this song? It sounds like "Time in a bottle" a little. » «ooc: I forget, actually. » «ooc: it definitly sounds soft-rock familiar. » * Neydisa passes her glance amidst a few of the people around the nearby fires. * Jeff walks quietly into the town, matching his pace to Neydisa's «ooc: To break the silence, Shane gates-in a piece of lettuce to Jeff's stomache, for shits and giggles. » « Gee, now you're using it for fast food ^^ » >> Most of the people glance at the pair as they walk through town. The gazes linger, and can be felt from behind, a dozen pairs of black spheres glittering with reflected fire. «ooc: Think of the medical uses of the Gate! » «ooc: Man, every day brings something new. » * Jeff murmurs quietly as he walks, trying to speak only loudly enough for Neydisa to hear. "So he wants us to speak to the Guardians.." >> No one moves to approach them, and no one calls out to them. They simply watch. In the distance, a pyramid looms, so dark that it was invisible until it eclipsed a portion of the moon. It is impossible to tell how large, or how near, it is. * Neydisa whispers a bit to Jeff, "It makes me sad... to think why they give such looks.." she pauses, hearing his request. "That's right, if anything can be done towards that... Shane needs to know, to understand what they are thinking now that Amelia is gone. All the why's surrounding him." * Neydisa rubs the palm of her hand slightly, shaking some of the humid air off of it, until she spots the tall pyramid's pass across the moon's light. * Jeff sighs. "I wish there was something I could do.." * Neydisa tilts her head to gaze at him. "Jeff, you're never powerless. You're still here, helping right now..." * Neydisa doesn't finish her sentence completely, one eye on Jeff, and another wandering to look slightly behind the pair. * Jeff is walking towards the pyramid, almost unconsciously. "These people, this place.. and so little hope, even here." * Neydisa looks back at him fully and catches up to his pace, whispering further, "And maybe something else - I think we're being followed." * Jeff nods slightly, continuing towards the alter, but now straining to hear any sign of those Neydisa suspects are behind. * Neydisa sighs sadly, a stray vision of a poor Baskar, made a slave of greed going across her mind's eye as she stays alert of the town they are passing into. * Jeff nods again. "I think you're right.. and I can't blame them. Wouldn't you be curious?" >> After a short walk, they reach what appears to be the other end of the town. From here on, the only residences are shanties and tents. The pyramid towers directly before them; it is not as enormous as it appeared from a distance, but was much closer than it seemed. Nonetheless, it's as tall as the walls of a fortress. Jeff and Neydisa stand in its shadow; -;+. * Neydisa nods in agreement. "I wouldn't be walking this path with you if I wasn't curious..." * Neydisa comes to stand in front of the shadow, looking up at the massive walls for a moment in simple silent reverence. * Jeff pauses for a moment, regarding the altar before turning to face back in the direction they came from. >> The steps leading to the top of the pyramid are each two feet high, carved directly into the grey rock, and they ascend all the way to the top. * Neydisa turns slightly as Jeff does, looking behind her as well. * Jeff turns again, facing the pyramid. "The altar of the West Wind..." * Jeff slowly begins to climb the stairs. * Neydisa stands there, seeing Jeff climb the first few. "Seeing this place now, it is so different than what I used to think. Before you showed me Zephyr still exists. I was not unlike the people here, almost without hope myself." >> Slowly seems to be the only way these stairs can be climbed; Jeff moves at a steady pace, but the steps are tall and thin. * Neydisa tries her luck with the huge stairway, making some progress behind him, one step at a time. * Jeff stops, turning to look back. "Hope is where you find it... hope for everyone, hope for the future. Anyone who makes the effort can find it and act on it." >> By the time she has ascended a third of the way top, Neydisa's legs are aching from the strain. «ooc: ...to the top. » * Jeff turns and starts back up as Neydisa begins to climb * Neydisa is spurred on by Jeff's words, though the going is fairly difficult for her, she can't hide it as well as she might try to. * Neydisa stops to rest a moment. "I'm sorry... just a little tired still..." * Jeff stops, turning again, smiling. "That's all right. It's been a tough few weeks... would you like a hand?" >> As the two of them pause, they see a small figure climbing the second step, scrambling to pull itself up. «ooc: Hmm. I have no appropriate music for this part. » «ooc: imagine a looping wind-track. » «ooc: Hee. » * Neydisa steadies herself, sweating a bit in the humid air. She is about to speak, but looks down to the steps they've passed curiously. «ooc: silent but for the most... devious of elements. » «ooc: I bet the Guardians don't like that I pretty much forced you into a sojurn. ;) » «ooc: "Not much of a pilgramage, now was it?" » >> The tiny figure continues to climb. If the shamans' pace had been slow, then this could be called glacial. After a minute or so, the figure is halfway to where Neydisa waits. The climb is accompanied by periodic childlike sounds of exertion. «ooc: btw... appropriate music: http://warpg.rpgcafe.net/files/super_spy_shane.mid » «ooc: Silence, infidel! » «ooc: mwahaha... er... right boss. » It seems our shadow is very young. * Jeff smiles. "Yes.. indeed." What do you think? >> "Unk. Erk...*pant* Whew...gyah." * Jeff looks down, trying to make out the child. "I think we should offer our help, if it's wanted. I can't help but respect the determination, though.." >> It's hard to see anything much, as the child is practically hugging the stairs. He or she does not respond. * Neydisa half-sits on the step, content to wait and regain her own strength for the moment, flashing a brief familair weary smile. "I think so too. Maybe someone else needs your hand a little more, Jeff." * Jeff waits and watches for the child >> Finally the child reaches the step below Neydisa, and stands up. It's hard to tell if it's a boy or a girl, even now. The child's hair is cropped close, and he/she is rather dirty, most likely from the climb. He/she is clad in simple denim clothing, with a few tears. Child: Hello. «ooc: one sec. » «ooc: put it on your shoulders! It'll be cute! » <> «ooc: Heh. Whay to spread hope! » <> «ooc: *rimshot* » * Neydisa shifts over slightly to meet the child face to face, brushing a bit of her blue hair out of her view. She nods in cordial greeting. "Hello, and blessings to you." «ooc: pop-quiz: What Guardian's Shaman would most likly be a comedian? » « riggy ^^ » «ooc: There! :D http://warpg.rpgcafe.net/files/strange.mid Bonus points for idenfying the song. » «ooc: O_o » « lol, I know this... *hits head* » >> The child sways slowly back and forth. "Hee hee. And an evening to you too, ma'am, good or not." «ooc: Almost sounded Crystalisian for a while... » «ooc: It's like a Russian variant on Gogo's quirky song. » * Jeff smiles at the child. "Hello.." «ooc: wait... is this AO? » «ooc: Yep. » «ooc: Lulu. » «ooc: Give me XP. » >> The boy/girl points up. "Climbing to the sky. Help me up." « oh yeah! » «ooc: OK, you get 10 EXP. » «ooc: yay me! » « Arcus Oddysey. now i remember. ^^ » «ooc: Albert. » * Neydisa stands again. "So you are going to meet the wind as well, are you? It's a long way up..." Child: I do this every day. Every day, I do this~ «ooc: Er, !, not ~ » * Jeff glances up the stairs, and then back to the child. "Every day?" Child: Every day brings a new sunrise. But I keep losing it. So that's good, I guess? * Jeff moves down a step. "Every sunrise.." * Jeff smiles again. "Shall I help you up, then?" «ooc: Child> My mommy told me to never talk to zombies. » * Neydisa looks admiringly at the child. "you remind me of when i kept chasing the tide, every day. It always ran from me, then came back when I wasn't looking." Child: We never know what the future will bring. *holds out arms* * Jeff reaches down to lift the child. "No, we never know what surprises the next day holds, do we? But worth it, to find out." Child: Worth is all about supply and damand, isn't it? And everybody demands it. But then there's a neverending supply. So it's a perfect 1:1 ratio. >> The child continues to sway in Jeff's arms, as if tilting in an unseen wind or dancing to unheard music. * Jeff starts to climb again, carrying the child. "Yes.. you're right. I'm Jeff, and this is Neydisa. May I ask your name?" * Neydisa lingers on her sentence, like she was realizing something in the back of her mind, then nods at her name, starting to climb behind Jeff. Child: Susan. Sooooo. San. Susan of the tribe of Baskar. Susan. A pleasure to meet you, Susan. Susan: It's a pleasure to meet you, too! I have almost a complete set now... o/~ Come ye rovers of old, to the place where the water meets the sky... o/~ * Neydisa laughs a small bit. "You sound like you know a lot of things, Susan." A complete set? >> She nods energetically. "I know everything. I'm the opener of ways, the gatekeeper, I'm the." She doesn't continue, and seems to have forgotten that she was speaking . Susan? * Neydisa trudges up a few more steps, staying slow and steady so as she won't have to rest again. She paying more and more attention to the child, wondering a little bit... Susan: Hi. «ooc: I betcha she means a complete set of Shamans! :D » * Jeff tries to phrase his question carefully and politely. "What.. do you mean? About being a gatekeeper? And a complete set?" «ooc: Zephians would be rare, after all ;) » <> Susan: What? You just said something about having a complete set.. and being the opener of ways..? >> The three finally reach the top of the altar. It's simply a flat stone terrace at the top of the pyramid, about ten metres in each direction. The view would be impressive in the daytime, but by night there's nothing to see except the moon, hanging so low one could almost seem to touch it. Atop the pyramid, there is a faint breeze. Susan: Did I? I'm sorry. I'm not sure who that was. * Neydisa finally reaches the step, taking a well deserved break again. Of course she can't help but marvel at the view as she does so. * Jeff carefully sets the child down at the top. "Do you often not know who's speaking?" To see the moon like this... I think that alone makes the work worth it. *short pant* Susan: *giggles, one hand over her mouth* It's hard to keep track sometimes. * Neydisa looks towards the child again, musing. "It is, isn't it? So many people speaking. It's hard picking out the answers, and the questions." * Neydisa takes a deep breath, and fully arrives on the terrace top. >> She stands up, swaying and pirouetting like a drugged ballerina. "You have 206 bones in your body," she declares in a lilting, inconstant voice. "But when you're little you have 350. Where did they go? Who steals the bones from little children, and what does he do with them all?" * Jeff watches Susan carefully to make sure she doesn't sway her way over the edge. "I don't know.. where do they go?" * Gayo will BRB, rebooting. «ooc: wfvkbvefe IGNORE » «ooc: ...I hate that. » >> She stops abruptly, biting her lip. "I don't know. I was asking you." * Jeff shakes his head. "I'm afraid we can't tell you that. There's so much we don't know..." * Neydisa looks like she gives this serious thought, sitting down crosslegged on the terrace. "You grow up, they come together to make stronger ones. But you lose something, a lot like that cheerful innocence.." Susan: It's harder when you know everything. You have to remember where you put it all. *she points her finger at Neydisa, moving it slowly and counting to herself* * Jeff looks at Neydisa, surprised. It'd be nice to know where the bits of you go, actually. I often think about that. How is it that you know everything? >> Susan drops to a crouch, and in a conspiratorial whisper, confides, "I think it's the unborn babies. They have to steal from other people to build themselves. But don't tell anyone." She blinks up at Jeff, expression completely vacant. "I'm not sure. For a while I knew wrong things, and then suddenly I knew right things. Though it might be the other way around." * Neydisa pauses, seriously studying this girl now. Did anyone tell you these things, Susan? >> The girl's movements seem haphazard, almost random, but are quick and fluid. Her face, small, round and tanned, shifts emotions from one second to the next. "Angels whisper things in my ears. I used to be evil, but now I'm not." Do you know these angels' names? * Neydisa rolls this word, "angels", over on her lips several times. "Angels have whispered to me too, at times. But it's hard to understand them." ..Do they even have names? Susan: They do, but I can't tell you. I tried to say the names once and I got sick. I think you would get sick too if you knew the names. * Neydisa blinks. "Most of the names I know cause quite the opposite. At least, to some people." Susan: Well, that's good. It's good to know a lot of names, isn't it? *falls backward, and lies spread-eagles on the ground* Look, it's the moon. Hello, moon! --PAUSE!-- Session Close: Tue Jul 30 21:19:12 2002 Session Start: Thu Aug 08 22:01:18 2002 --RESUME!-- * Neydisa studies Susan another moment, before looking at the moon with her. "It is a beatiful moon isn't it. I like to greet it every day..." Susan: Sometimes I lose it, though. But I usually find it again eventually. I wonder where it goes? «ooc: I'm the only one? » «ooc: Well, maybe one or two others. » It's an endless cycle, losing the sun and the moon. but if it didn't happen, you wouldn't notice time passing. Susan: Do you notice how time is always passing, but it never gets past? Hee hee. «ooc: ...uhm » «ooc: We'll need to go a little faster than this if we want to finish tonight. » * Neydisa sighs a little, looking a bit at Jeff. "A day is a precious thing. I wish I used some better, maybe I wouldn't be here looking for so many answers if so." >> Susan giggles. "Everyone comes here looking for answers. Usually they have to pay. One woman fell and died. But we kept her money anyway." * Rasis (Rasis@acs-24-154-15-83.zoominternet.net) has joined #warpg «ooc: Oh. That explains that. » «ooc: What'd you miss? » <<...er.. you were reposting.>> * Jeff (Rasis@acs-24-154-15-83.zoominternet.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer) * Neydisa frowns. "This is supposed to be a place of hope, but is it really such a den of greed?" « I can gvie you in msg then ras ^^ » * Rasis is now known as Jeff >> Susan shrugs, lifting herself slightly from the ground as she pulls her shoulders close. "Money is good. People can buy nice things with money. She found what she was looking for. Why shouldn't we make people pay?" * Jeff looks a bit sad. "Not everyone can pay... and what price can be put on the answers people truly need?" It's not that, everyone has to live and make ends meet. It just is sorrowful when I see the faces of the people here and imagine how life used to be not so long ago in Baskar, if the stories are true. >> Susan sticks out her tongue. "Nobody needs to come here. Humans are silly." Just a place.. * Jeff smiles. "But places are important to people. And this is the shrine of the West Wind.." >> The girl scrambles into a standing position again. She sticks a dirty index finger in her mouth, then thrusts it into the air. After standing thus a minute, she seems to forget what she was doing, and begins swaying back and forth. ..and.. * Jeff watches the girl, then smiles and shakes his head, as if laughing at himself. * Neydisa folds her arms a bit, then looks up at the moon again as Jeff speaks, then carefully over at Susan. >> "What are you searching for?" she asks abruptly, stretching up on the balls of her feet to get a better look at Neydisa. Her dirty clothes are full of the acrid scent of woodsmoke. "Wait, I want to guess. Guessing is fun. Is it bigger than a breadbox?" * Jeff smiles. "I can't answer that question. It could be bigger. It could be much smaller." I won't know until I find it. Susan: *settles back down onto her feet* You want to know why bad things happen to good people, and if humanity is doing the right thing, and how to best serve the Guardians? You really do know everything don't you? Susan: Shamans are all alike. * Jeff grins. "No, sort of, and yes." >> She holds out her arms as if balancing on a tightrope, and walks to the edge of the altar. But, it's not just that, I... I need something more than that. For the sake of a friend. though maybe we are.. all alike, that is. In some ways. Susan: You don't want to know why bad things happen to good people? Do you already know, then? * Neydisa slowly stands from her sitting position at the altar. I.. don't know, but I suspect. And I suspect no one knows for certain.. Susan: I do. But I promised not to tell. Sorry. * Jeff smiles. "Fair enough. It's enough that someone knows, then." >> The little girl breaks into a sudden run for the stairs. She stops at the edge, teetering, and carefully climbs down. "You're in the wrong place. You want to meet the wind?" «ooc: er, climbs down one stair. Not the whole way. » «ooc: She really does have to climb, too...these steps go almost to her waist. » * Jeff looks a little surprised. "Yes, I do. Could you please tell me where the right place is, if this isn't it?" Susan: I have a friend you should meet. Come on. *descends another stair* * Neydisa looks aside, thinking. "I was merely beginning at the place everything started with him..." * Neydisa falls silent, then walks to the stair Susan was at. >> The girl continues descending, a stair at a time. At the bottom of the stone pyramid, someone else is climbing the steps, ascending with practiced strides. «ooc: Hmm, hang on. I need to reboot. » <<'k>> «ooc: I'll be back in a couple minutes. » * Gayo (foon@stjh1-0682.nb.aliant.net) Quit (Quit: ) «ooc: la la la » <> «ooc: think you'll see the big G's tonite? » <> <> * Gayo (foon@stjh1-0261.nb.aliant.net) has joined #warpg * ChanServ sets mode: +q Gayo * ChanServ sets mode: +o Gayo « wb :) » <> «ooc: OK, you can pose again. » * Neydisa turns around to bow at the moon once, then resolves to follow this strange child to an answer, and begins a careful climb down, hoping gravity takes the brunt of the effort off her stiff muscles this time. * Jeff smiles, amd murmurs. "Where will the journey from this place take me this time?" >> The stranger reaches Susan quickly, lifting her with maternal care and placing her on his shoulder. "My Lady, you should not be out at this hour." He seems to be ignoring the shamans. * Jeff starts to follow the child. * Neydisa stops a few steps away, waiting for Jeff to catch up and watching the exchange. .o( her father? ) >> The man turns and begins to descend the steps, moving along the precarious slant with great skill. His voice is very deep, and he has a Baskar accent, but in the darkness it is difficult to make out his appearance. * Neydisa speaks after a bit. "Excuse me, sir?" Susan: You're a haughty fool, Shadow. How dare you presume to tell me what to do? *she giggles and hugs him* Boooo. >> The man does not answer Neydisa. * Jeff walks down the steps behind them everyone. * Neydisa doesn't press the greeting again at first, not wanting to seem rude. She waits for Jeff to approach before following Susan and her caretaker farther down the stairs at a respectful distance. >> When the man reaches the ground, he sets Susan down and kneels so as to make eye contact with her. "My Lady, you must not speak with foreigners. You know this." Might we be introduced? >> Though the man is pretending Jeff and Neydisa are not there, Susan cheerfully waves them over. "Hi! This is Shadow. Shadow, these are my new friends." * Jeff smiles, not really expecting a response. "Hello, Shadow. I'm Jeff." * Neydisa stops on the next to last stair, hearing her words, then encouragedly continues to the ground, stifling a short pant. "We've only just met, but I'm honored by such a word. I'm Neydisa, a shaman of Lucadia. Pleasure to meet you." >> Up close, the man is a veritable tower, tall and thick. His face is deeply lined, but he appears no older than his mid-thirties. He is dressed in simple patterned cottons, and a large leather knife holster is attached to its belt. He stands and regards the pair. Shadow: Forgive the child. She is not well, and sometimes wanders. We will be returning home now. May Zephyr bless your stay in this land. There's nothing to forgive, really. I think we may even be in Susan's debt... * Jeff smiles. "He does, I hope. It was in hopes of hearing his voice again that I came back here..." ..and met young Susan. I think we may have been fortunate in that. >> Shadow places a hand on Susan's back -- tentatively, as if nervous -- and ushers her back down the path to the village. She protests, bickering with him. "You're a silly old man. I know what I'm doing! Besides, they're not foreigners, they're tourists. Tourists are stupid!" Shadow: (m) Please do not create a scene, my lady. I will be in trouble if I do not bring you back. * Neydisa starts to smile, then looks at Jeff helplessly, a little less serious at that comment. ^^; >> Exasperated, Susan breaks off, running a few paces ahead of the towering man before turning around to face him. She reaches an arm up towards his face, and finding herself too short, says "Kneel" in an irritable voice. The man does so instantly. >> Susan strikes the man in the forehead three times with an open palm. "I chastise you thrice! Begone from my sight!" >> The man inhales slowly, then sighs. He stands and walks back to the village, shoulders slumped. Susan runs up to Jeff. "Okay! Sorry about that." * Neydisa walks forward a few paces, then stares a bit dumbfounded as Susan disciplines the imposing man. * Jeff looks at Susan, and then to the man. "I didn't want to bring anyone trouble here... even if I am a stupid tourist." * Neydisa looks like she almost wants to laugh but is holding it in. "You.. have quite a way with people, I see." Susan: He'll be okay once I explain everything. He has to go away when I do that. * Neydisa nods. "I guess this wasn't who you wanted us to meet?" >> She bursts out in a deep horse laugh. "Come on. It's this way." She cuts off the path, nearly vanishing into the tall grass. «ooc: BRB » * Jeff follows, not wanting to lose her. * Neydisa tries to keep up as the girl literally makes her own path into the wilds, pushing some tall grass away to keep sight of her guide. * McMooTwo hums lightly to himself as he upends the molten insides of Filgaia over the annoying little girl. «ooc: ...er, ooc. » « hey ;) » «ooc: *whistles* » « destroy NPCs in YOUR lude, not on borrowed time. :) » «ooc: awww... » <> >> The grasses are tall, and seeds dislodge and drift through the air as they're disturbed. Eventually the girl is completely hidden, and only the rustling and shifting of grass ahead gives any indication of her path. «ooc: A few, at least. » «ooc: You could do it and find out. » <> <> * Jeff follows through the grass, trying to determine where the girl might be going. * Neydisa whispers to Jeff, trying to keep an eye on the rustle. "Any idea where she might be taking us?" >> The air is more active out here; the wind is faint and silent, but it stirs the grass, making the pale seed brushes sway in the wind. >> Here and there the dessicated carcass of a tree lies amidst the yellow spires of prairie grass. <> * Neydisa looks around carefully, seeing a bit more of the beauty of this land, but still the signs of the mistakes that also mar it. «ooc: That's a bit of a walk, Jeff. Like...100 miles. » « yeah ^^; » <> «ooc: At least. » <> >> Minutes pass uneventfully, and the lights of the reservation town slowly draw farther away. Susan's path is meandering and aribitrary, as if it wends its way around invisible obstacles. * Jeff follows faithfully to her path and quietly, figuring things will make sense eventually, or that they aren't meant to >> The moon shines down upon a tall, silvery tree, long-dead but still firmly rooted in the earth. Its gnarled, bony fingers creak and shift in the breeze. Susan makes a wide circle around it, keeping her distance. * Neydisa pushes a few more prarie grass out of her field of view, not sure if she's still on the track completely at several odd turns Susan keeps making, before they pass by the tree. * Jeff looks at the tree as he follows Susan's skirting path, trying to determine if he can feel anything about it. >> Reaching the point she originally circled from, Susan circles the tree again, slightly closer this time. Over the next several minutes, she spirals around it continually, each time moving closer by a nigh-imperceptible distance. * Neydisa offers, a little sadly. "It still stands, almost like an old & defiant man." «ooc: You're following her closely still, I presume? » * Neydisa shadows Susan, getting plenty of time to consider this landmark further. « I'd think. :) » <> >> Eventually, Susan stops before the tree's hollow cavity. Each slight motion of the tree brings with it a loud, stuttering creak, and its whiplike branches clatter against each other. The wind picks up, and as it blows through the corpse's empty innards, it makes a low mournful hum, like a person blowing across the mouth of a jar. «ooc: http://warpg.rpgcafe.net/files/trepidation.mid » « ooh. » * Neydisa looks up to the clatter of branches and blow of wind, not able to help feeling this place holds some forgotten secret. * Neydisa eventually stops in front of the enigmatic tree as well. "Susan?" >> Susan brushes aside the grasses. Seeds are stuck to her face, and straw is caught in her hair. "My friend is in here." * Jeff carefully watches the tree, listening to the hum. * Neydisa takes one of her hands, and in a passing maternal gesture, picks a few of the larger seeds and straw off her head. « er Susan's ^^ » >> The girl turns somberly and lifts a leg into the hollow of the tree, levering herself into the hole. Flecks of musty bark drift down, and the old frame squeaks in protest as she pushes into the hole barely large enough to fit even one so small as she. Your friend must be very interesting to be in such a place... >> Susan's entry disturbs the wind's low dirge, and the tree no longer makes any sound save for its endless creaking. The inside is black as pitch, untouched by the light of the full moon, and all that can be detected of Susan are the sounds of her shifting position. * Neydisa tries to see farther into the opening at what Susan might be up to. "Are you alright in there? It's very dark." >> Susan stops moving, and no more sounds come from within. Neydisa sees a shape inside, but nothing more. At length, Susan's voice emerges, in the lowest bass tone she is capable of. "Greetings." Hello... * Neydisa draws back a moment, blinking at the low voice. This didn't sound like the random utterance of before. Susan: I have a riddle for you. Why do birds eat the eyes of men? * Jeff looks at Neydisa questioningly * Neydisa straightens, looking up to Jeff for a moment, then back towards the shape in the darkness. « what a ncie riddle. ^^ » <> «ooc: It doesn't have any sort of coherent answer. Don't sweat it. » >> Susan's low voice continues before the pair have time to mashal their thoughts, "Because men turn their gaze to the heavens." « wow, I was almost going to say that. ^^ » I... suppose that's true. Is it wrong to do so? Susan: In the beginning, Filgaia divided the world into the land, the ocean, and the skies. Man's realm is the land. Only the great guardians of Filgaia may travel in all realms. * Neydisa adopts a serious look in her amber eyes. >> As she continues, Susan's voice begins to tremble in pitch, lilting up and down though still as low and mournful as the hum of the wind in the tree's hollow. * Jeff frowns. "But men travel on the ocean.. and some even in the sky.. in ships built on the land." Susan: Men wanted to drink the draught of the birds, so they built a great tower and climbed to heaven. <> Susan: In heaven, they built a city, and lived among the winged. * Neydisa listens, then a spark of realization hits. "Could it be -- Ka Dingle? The city there, deserted, a dream frozen in time..." Susan: Filgaia spoke to the men in its voice of howling madness and thundering command, and the city was flensed to shreds, and the men fell from the clouds and died on the ground below. And the birds ate their eyes./ Susan: I am the wind. I brook no intrusion; I bow to none. * Neydisa looks down to the ground, as if she felt somehow guilty for her ancestor's transgressions in that moment. >> The breeze continues to escalate silently, whipping the shamans' hair about. The branches of the tree are pushed toward them, bony black hands grasping. Susan: You defy me time and time again. You must suffer penance for your offenses. * Jeff watches the tree, standing and speaking calmly. "Is it our place, then, to stay only on the ground.. to remain off of the sea, and out of the sky?" People hope, they dream, they push their limits, they want to grow... The penance is for the greed, pride, and ambition that comes along with that all to often. *sad, low voice* Susan: You do not command the wind. You are not masters of the sky. You must step from your realm cringing, apologetic, for when you climb high, you stand on the backs of the Guardians. * Jeff nods. "I command nothing. I am the master of nothing. Everywhere I go, it is by the grace of the Guardians." >> Suddenly, the air is still -- oppressively so, as if a solid object. The voice from the tree is crisp and clear in the dead calm. "You have asked much of me and given nothing in return. You owe tithing to the wind. Give me what is mine!" «ooc: THis is some sort of a mystical entity. She's clearly not asking for money, but rather something of spiritual importance. » What is it that you desire? «ooc: It's hard to say exactly what you should give her. » Susan: *low, hissing whisper* What is it you possess? * Neydisa bows her head. "I follow the path I do because I wish to honor that wish.' She looks up, a little tenses, wondering what to say for a moment. «ooc: Well, you both passed your Guardianism roll, so... » <> «ooc: This is obviously an air-elemental entity of some sort. You definitely shouldn't offer any sort of gemstone or rock. And definitely nothing gold. » «ooc: Other metals are less offensive, but probably not good either unless they have special significance. » «ooc: You can offer boons or Essence too, of course. It needn't be items. » « ahah. I see. » <> «ooc: If you had a wind instrument that'd be a good start, but unless it was magical it wouldn't suffice anyhow. » « *thinks* » An offering of our sincerity. There must be something... Susan: All men have something to give, even if they have nothing in their pockets. <> « I have an air ward. :o » «ooc: It's a good start. Likely not enough. » « but that's probably bad. ^^ » «ooc: No, Air Ward would be good. » « ah, well then, i could try. » <> * Neydisa fumbles in her side pack, pulling out a small charm, the Air Ward. "This bears an enchantment of the wind. It is a sign of the bond I have with it to guide me true." >> Susan's thin, grimy hand extends from the hollow, palm open in acceptance. «ooc: You offer it to her freely? » * Neydisa offers it humbly in her two hands. "If it is an appropriate offering to the skies of my wish, please take it." >> The hand retracts. There is a soft sucking sound, and the scent of smoke wafts briefly from the tree's innards. "Is this all?" «ooc: Just give her half your stuff so you're below your inventory limit. :D » « I thought that. ^^ » <> «ooc: Long story. I'll explain it later. » <> I have very little to give, that isn't of a material nature... >> A wry tilt enters the voice. "You have both given your soul away already. There are other things." * Jeff nods. "My soul and my life are no longer mine.." * Neydisa pauses, wondering just what might have become of the item, but brushes it aside. It cleary is improving relations. * Jeff fishes a ring out of his pocket. "This ring.. tied by magic to the sky. I offer it to you." * Neydisa looks a bit troubled when the spirit says this, but then produces one more item, a Clear Chime. "Perhaps this too, could show my goodwill? It's ring is pure and true." «ooc: You give it freely? » <> * Jeff holds out the ring towards the tree, and Susan >> Again, the hand extends, collecting both items before withdrawing into the darkness. A soft sucking echoes from within. "What else?" * Neydisa duly presents the subsequent offering to the entity. <> <> * McMooTwo (dilly@bgm-66-24-150-27.stny.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout) * Neydisa sighs a bit, looking into the depths of the tree. "I'm afraid what else I have to give to you, might not be found in my bags." * Jeff smiles, and carefully removes a bracer from his arm. "This has served me well. Many times, I was glad I had this at my side. Perhaps it can help bridge the debt owed to you?" Susan: Mere trinkets will not do. Keep your baubles, if that is all you are willing to give. I demand a gift of true value. I have given my soul. I have given my life. What would you ask of me, that I have left to give? I ask not mockingly or tritely. If there is something I can give to you that you desire, tell me what it is. * McSlep (dilly@bgm-66-24-150-27.stny.rr.com) has joined #warpg * McSlep is now known as SuperSpyShane * Neydisa nods, kneeling a bit. "Our souls may be bond in promise to greater powers... but if it eases the burden of debt owed to the wind, I offer a small piece of my spirit to you." >> The voice seems almost smug as it intones in reply, "The moon is full. Until it next vanishes from the sky, allow me to drink from your soul." <> « hmm, seems so.. » «ooc: This is no small offering to make, for shamans, who normally need their essence at full capacity. Think it over. » «ooc: And remember, the deal a spirit proposes is ALWAYS harsh. » * Neydisa remains there, mind thinking of the implications of this. She slowly turns her face to Jeff, as if seeking approval from the true embodiment of the wind. <> «ooc: Shane, the heavy-handed, would've requested Jeff cast his Secret-finding summon around the little girl early on... ;) » « I think 'not attacking' is a little more than a tree. ^^ » «ooc: It won't attack you. It's not offering you anything in return, it DEMANDS that you repay the debt you owe it. » «ooc: Besides, you came to ask a favour of it. » << ....we did?>> «ooc: Yes. Susan took you here because you said you wanted answers. » <> «ooc: You each have a question. » « I need to know how the Guardians wview shane. or if there is a way to find out. ^^ » «ooc: Ney has more than one. Jeff still wants to know what Zephyr/The Guardians want him to do. » «ooc: Jeff can survive MP-lessness better than Ney. » <> «ooc: Well, it's someone Susan took you to for answers. » «ooc: So it depends how well you trust Susan. » «ooc: You can always leave. » If I fufill this promise, great spirit, I ask that you fufill yours. The answers we seek about the Guardians and the Pretender shall be revealed? Susan: I will tell you what I can, but I never repeat myself. «ooc: hrmph. Answers about the Pretender, indeed! If you get the answers, where's the pretendin'? ;_; » «ooc: ....? » <> * Neydisa looks very set in her decision, though she is quivering a bit. "Jeff, is this alright? I'm willing to do what I have to to know..." <> «ooc: Oh, no. It just wants a bit of your power, not the whole soul. You can't give that away anyhow. » <> « we're just giving it an Essence snack, really. » <> «ooc: Two weeks, it said. » «ooc: Unless the new moon never comes for some reason. » «ooc: One fortnight, if you prefer. » «ooc: Mind you, a lot can happen in two weeks. » «ooc: Oh yeah... Shane's blowing up the moons... Tomorrow! » « *baps* ^^ » «ooc: *kicks Shane's arse so hard he kisses the moons* » «ooc: Moons! Petrify my enemies! » <> « rk.. comp trouble. one sec ^^ » «ooc: Shane cannot blow up the moons. At least... not yet ;) » <> «ooc: He might be able to, actually. » «ooc: Nor would he want to. The *most* he's doing is stealing one. » <> «ooc: The gate can't reach the moons right now, remember? » <> «ooc: ...true. » <> «ooc: Get Ellena! » «ooc: >:D » «ooc: Get the Rayline! >:D » <> <> <> «ooc: Also the Guardians can recall their runes more or less instantly if they want. » «ooc: Hopefully, with time and effort, we can mass-produce those Elw Generators. » <> « fixed. sorry. no reboot needed. :) » «ooc: I'm so very Glad Shane isn't there. » <> «ooc: I'd bet this thing'd near stillwater him just by being all creepy, and it'd want more of a debt from him than anyone. I freakin' hate spirits. » <> «ooc: Well, you wanted to ask SOMEONE stuff, Jeff. If you don't think this thing can tell you what you want to know... » « you do realize I'm waiting for Jeff's okay about this. :o » «ooc: You can always walk away. » <> « it's more do you want the answers Jeff wise from this thing. what the Guardians want from you is right along side what they feel about Shane in turn. » «ooc: Don;t you Shamans do this sorta stuff all the time? Sheesh! » «ooc: :D » «ooc: On the other hand, you can't be guaranteed that it can help you. » ..you ask a steep price.. Susan: You owe me much. ...a price that isn't steep isn't worth paying, hrm? * Jeff carefully slides his hands under his sleeves, nodding slowly. "But.." Susan: Yes. You came to me to ask for even more. Why should I help you? << so.. tempted.. to point out.. spirit.. owes.. continues.. existance.. to.. our.. stopping.. Amelia..>> «ooc: brb » «ooc: And feel free. » « oo, good idea. :) » « I'm sure it can be some kind of bargaining chip. though it might throw it in our faces as well. your call. » «ooc: back » All I wish is for guidance from the Guardians.. from the West Wind. What Neydisa wants are other questions entirely... but similar. If you can help us with these, I ask you only to take the events that occured on the moon that humans call Malduc since the other moon last vanished from the sky when weighing what we owe you. We humans risked our lives for all of Filgaia, in the service of the Guardians. It is not my place to determine how much, if any, of this debt this might repay... ...and I ask that you tale your price, then, from my soul alone. My friend will need all her strength and will in the coming weeks. * Neydisa wide eyes a bit. "Jeff..." >> Susan's voice rises. "You should not expect thanks for doing your duty for the Guardians and Filgaia! But perhaps a compromise. I will drink from you, and only partly from her." I do not ask for thanks. Only for acknowledgement that we have given some, if only in duty.. and not only taken. Susan: You take every day you exist. There is no man who does not owe me. * Neydisa rests on a knee, holding her gaze on Jeff as he speaks. Even if the spirit does not appreciate his stance fully, she most certainly does by the way she looks at him. ...if you can truly help us, then I accept your compromise, if my companion does. «ooc: You give it freely? » <> * Neydisa hesistates a moment, then turns her eyes to the spirit. "Though unworthy, I graciously accept your terms." «ooc: Of course it'll be too late to do anything about it at that point. Heh. » «ooc: Mwahaha! You've given your power to El Pollo Diablo! THE DEMON CHICKEN!!! BAWK-BAWK!!! » <> «ooc: It can't take what you didn't give freely. It's bound by the terms of the agreement. » * Neydisa whispers mostly to herself, "Please be gentle to him." «ooc: If it could prevent the new moon somehow, THEN it could. » <> >> The inside of the tree buzzes. Moments later, two hummingbirds fly out, wings a moonlight blur. The hummingbirds each alight on the shamans' shoulders, and merge with their skin. A chill and shiver passes through their bodies, one even Jeff feels. «ooc: "Help" is a very vague term. » <> <> >> Jeff feels his essence drained from the inside, though he quickly becomes accustomed to the sensation. Neydisa feels a small chill in her chest, though her loss is not as severe. «ooc: Jeff has 0 MP and can't recover any by any means. Ney has half MP and can't go above that by any means. » <> * Neydisa shivers visibly as the sensation passes through her, placing a hand on the chill region of her chest testingly... she looks across to Jeff. * Jeff bows his head and shakes slightly as it happens. «ooc: *The tree starts dancing around frantically. "Mwahaha! I have yer Lucky Charms!" » «ooc: Well, you have a high MAXIMUM MP still. It's just always drained. » <> <> <> Jeff, you didn't have to do this... but thank you. >> The wind whips into a howl, swirling around the pair. Susan's voice laughs gaily from one direction, then another, then another, still low and eerie but mirthful and free. "You're once again in my graces. Ask your questions, shamans. Each of you may receive three answers from me." * Jeff opens his eyes, raises his head, and smiles at Neydisa, shrugging. «ooc: I'd like to end soon. » * Neydisa gathers her nerve, and faces the whipping winds, a question most certainly on her lips. <> <> Please tell me what you know about what the Guardians desire of mr. Shane Arturis, the Pretender... «ooc: Hrm? I thought you were OK for late sess. Ah well. Sorry. » <> << ...mind you, that describes me for the last two weeks. Tonight is nothing different than yesterday afternoon.>> « *hugs Jeff* » «ooc: He's exhausted *and* you steall his essence? Harsh. » >> For a short time, there is no sound but the raging gale. Then: "His life belongs to the sea now. He will be contacted shortly with a command; there is trouble stirring beneath the ocean. Ultimately, he must serve you in your quest. " >> Susan's voice is everywhere on the wind, and is joyous and singsong. "The Pretender is one of three. He owes his servitude to Filgaia until his task at your hands is discharged." * Neydisa looks down. "Sevitude to..." She pauses, a glimmer of something behind her mask of resolve. "Yes, I think I understand." «ooc: his task...? » «ooc: ...hrmm... wtf. I hate you, Spirits! » And what of the fear and hatred borne between him and my masters? Is this mutual, or from him alone? Susan: The Guardians do not hate Shane, but nor do they love him. His deeds will swing the balance, ultimately. He must pay homage to the sky, however, if he intends to ride the winds. Heaven tolerates no hubris. «ooc: Fat chance getting it, spirit-bitch! » «ooc: Shane's not Spirit-tolerant yet! ;D » <> «ooc: The Bird has a Jet engine. It makes it's own wind. » * Neydisa speaks softly. "I will do my best to ensure he stays in your blessings, for you have given the Bird fair skies towards his deeds up until now." «ooc: Trust me, you need air to fly. » <> <> Susan: Good. That is one. «ooc: It'd be good if we could speed up here. » <> * Neydisa lingers. "What do you know about the entity called Kema?" >> ... Susan: I cannot answer than question. It will not count against you. «ooc: than = that » «ooc: *Dramatic Chord* » «ooc: Kema... what the fuck are you? » * Neydisa looks towards the tree. "I see." <> «ooc: ...huh? » Then, tell me true, where may I find a master of the keys to the land of your kin, the spirit realm. << ...well.. we lost Essence "until the moon against vanishes from the sky.">> <> Susan: Walk north along the coastline. You will know when you arrive. It will take many days. You must make the journey on foot. * Neydisa bows her head. "Thank you." «ooc: One for ney, three for jeff. » Jeff, please ask your questions.. I'd like to think about something a moment. * Jeff nods * Neydisa head bowed still, pulls her hands in front of her on her lap, looking at what appears to be the healed remnants of a knife gash on one of her palms. Could you tell me what the Guardians now desire of me? I walk on Filgaia only due to their continued efforts... I would not squander their power needlessly. Susan: You may do as you wish now. It is best not to linger overlong in the land of the quick, but you should remain until you feel you are done. You need no guidance to serve. * Jeff nods slowly «ooc: ...? » «ooc: . . . » «ooc: . . !!! » Could you tell me what became of the.. shaman of the Forgotten Guardian.. who called himself Watcher? Susan: No, I cannot. You may ask again. « well you can always ask about what smacked him around.. ^^ » «ooc: Dark Man, baby Dark Man! » <> What of the gate that brought us here? What are the des... wishes of the Guardians in regards to that? «ooc: labedadoo badebadabing » <> «ooc: He's speaking in tounges! » Susan: The machine is dangerous and should be destroyed. The Guardians wish that... Susan: The Guardians wish the safety of Filgaia. «ooc: Just try it, bitch! :D » «ooc: ;_; » * Neydisa sighs once. "Soon, it will be scattered..." «ooc: one left for each » I.. have a request for you. It is your choice whether to count it as a question or not. Susan: ... ...Should Neydisa's life.. or the lives of our companions.. be put in danger of ending before the new moon.. I ask you to let us draw upon the energies we have given you until that immediate threat has passed. I honor our bargain.. but I would not want to see people die needlessly because of it. >> The wind buffets Jeff, almost knocking him back. "We shall see, when the time comes.' Thank you. «ooc: Ney? » * Neydisa raises her head, glancing to her companion as he asks this. "Jeff... it will be alright. I won't rest until things have been righted." In that mind, I ask you one final question, spirit. I would like your insight into the true nature of the Sword Bearer's power, of... Allen. * Neydisa stumbles somewhat on the name, like she is somewhat afraid of what the answer may be. Susan: He has too much spirit in him. It may be the death of him. His blood is mixed, but potent. «ooc: He's... a halfbreed? » «ooc: But of what?! ;_; » Would it be within your grace to... tell me of the heritage? <> Susan: It goes back a long way. There is a storm in him, full of energy. In his relatives it is latent, but in him it is not. «ooc: He probably has a bigger spiritual-cock than Shane ;_; » «ooc: I need to end. » * Neydisa mouths quietly, "A storm..." >> The wind swirls around, then rushes into the dark hollow of the dead tree, vanishing with a sucking sound. «ooc: you guys got ripped off. » * Neydisa closes her eyes, head filling with many more questions as a result of these answers. <> «ooc: The directions might be more useful than you know. » « I think I learned more than is apparent at the surface.. ^^ » I'm sorry, Neydisa. Please, don't.. don't apologize. «ooc: Jeff still has no guidance! :D » «ooc: Except that the Gate must be Destroyed. » «ooc: ... » «ooc: She did tell him he's not going to up and die suddenly, though. » <> >> Shuffling and knocking come from inside the tree. Susan: Can someone help me out of here? --SESSION END-- Session Close: Fri Aug 09 04:13:57 2002