-- Interlude 7: Meeting in the Dead Lands -- Session Start: Fri Jun 16 17:18:15 2000 Last post was: >> She touches the statue and concentrates, and they both dissolve into nothingness like a puff of vapor. --SESSION START-- >> Ellena's perceptions warp and shift...she gets very woozy for a second, as though she's about to faint, and then the world comes back into focus. The howling winds are gone, but so is the island, and so is the sea. The two women stand alone in the middle of an endless field of bleak nothing. Cold rain gushes down from the pitch black skies, and crackles of lightning occasionally illuminate a roiling bed of stormclouds. >> The ground is made of interlocked stones, cracked in a thousand places and beaten in staccato rhythm by the incessant downpour. The horizon is nonexistant, the only markers in the barren void the crumbled skeletons of ancient stone buiuldings, scattered about like broken toys. «ooc: BRB. » « heh » Wh...what....? O_o Where did we end up, Cathay...? «ooc: Ooh. Perfect music. :) » Cathay: This is the spirit world. * Ellena lets out a little meep, trying to cover her head with her hands from the downpour. "Yes...but where in the Spirit World is this?" Cathay: The majority of the spirit world corresponds directly to locations in the physical. This is the spiritual reflection of the island we just left, and surrounding ocean. The opposite of what it was...I think I understand.. Cathay: *shakes her head* Not precisely opposite...it's complicated. Something happened here a long time ago, and the land has never been the same since. Oh...It couldn't have been good... :/ Cathay: Shall we go? Stay with me. If you get lost here you have no chance of survival. Yes...we should go. Don't worry, I'll be right behind you... * Ellena smiles a little timid smile. ^^; >> She steps through the remains of a circular courtyard. A tall dais sits at the center, abandoned. * Ellena follows. "..Wonder what happened here..." Cathay: Nobody knows... * Ellena sighs. «ooc: BTW...I assume this is a cold rain, right? :) » Cold rain gushes down from the pitch black skies «ooc: ^_~ » «ooc: Thanks! ;D Didn't know you'd be that subtle :D » << quick on the draw there. ^^ >> * Ellena shivers...her clothing becoming quickly soaked. ^^; «ooc: Wet tee shirt contest for Shane! ;) » « OOC: >:) » >> She runs a hand along the dais, sending ripples through the water gushing off its sides, then quickly sets off in what seems like a random direction. "Keep walking...it'll keep you warmer." O...okay. ^^; * Shane struts around tantalizingly... « OOC: ... » «ooc: ... » «ooc: ^_~ » «ooc: ... » «ooc: ^_^ » «ooc: Jury will disregard. » « OOC: that was ooc... really! » «ooc: I give him a 8 on pec value! :D » «ooc: Lucca is obsessed with pecs. ^_~ » * Ellena walks, this time a bit faster. "It's sort of pretty...in a vaguely disturbing way... «ooc: Naah. I like butts too. ^_^ » « OOC: Hee hee. » Cathay: Get a good look now. If you're lucky, you will never return here. « OOC: I assure you that Shane is nicly formed on both ends. » «ooc: Ooooooooooooooooooh » * Ellena frowns at Cathay's words. :/ * Ellena pushes some wet blonde hair that is matted to her face away, and follows closely behind Cathay. >> Time passes....landmarks come and go, crumbling stone walls and toppled pillars. Every muscle in Ellena's body aches, and still Cathay marches coolly forward towards the unseen goal... «ooc: Even her tounge? :) » « OOC: Even her stomache lining? » * Ellena rubs her sore arms, trying to get some heat through them, but doesn't complain about her discomfort, figuring that staying in one spot to rest would only make it worse anyway. >> Suddenly cathay just stops. It feels like it's been hours, but there's no way to tell, and this place looks the same as any other. * Ellena blinks. "Cathay...? " >> She points down to a spot a few feet in front of her. At first it looks the same as the rest of the wasteland, but as Ellena's eyes adjust she realizes it's actually a small hole,about four feet in diameter, filled with water, and with no visible bottom. Are we...supposed to swim in that? << brb.. >> Cathay: Now we wait. Wait...? O_o For what...or whom? «ooc: We're waiting for Lucadia to swallow us and take us to the land of summoned monsters, you fool! » >> She doesn't answer, but kneels and begins to pray. Not tall, but startlingly toned, her muscles ripple under her dark skin with each motion. She is dressed in loose monk robes embroidered with impossibly delicate silver designs, and wears geta. Her hair is pitch dark and pulled into a severe bun, leaving the white teardrop tattoo on her left cheek clearly visible. Her eyes are stony, but not harsh. Strong eyes. «ooc: Ack. » «ooc: ignore. » Should I pray too? To who...? * Ellena shakes her head, feeling more and more out of place. :/ «ooc: That's Cathay's desc. I was saving it for Grue to read. ^_~ Speaking of which, Ellena should msg him her desc too. » «ooc: ^_^ Hell, he can look at her picture. :) » >> After an unknown period of silent prayer, Cathay stands. "Stand back a bit." * Ellena does as Cathay says. ^^: >> She steps back herself. Moments after they get out of the way, a thick brown stalk bursts its way out from between the cracks in the rocky ground, growing at an insane pace. It sprouts massive leaves, and the top begins to bud, a bug the size of a person's head. W...Wow! Incredible! O_o * Ellena then looks at the bug, and pales, shutting up. ^^; «ooc: Bug. » «ooc: Bud. » «ooc: I suck. ^_^ » «ooc: ^_^ LOL. Nuke that then. » «ooc: brb » >> The bud opens, and an enormous purple flower unfolds a few feet above their heads. The plant is amazing, but seems somehow sickly... Cathay: This will provide shelter while we wait. >> She steps under the giant flower, where the rain cannot touch, and snaps off a five-foot-long leaf and the attatched stem. Sitting down crosslegged, she begins tearing up the leaf. "Sit. It could be a while." * Ellena blinks, and does as instructed, wondering why the plant looks so sickly. :/ «ooc: Can I 'feel' the plant and try to make it happier? ^^: » «ooc: ... That sounded hentai :p » « OOC: Sugoi! » «ooc: Yes. But it'll cost 8 MP. ^_~ » «ooc: ... ... ... ;_; » «ooc: Well...if we're covered by the plant...should be okay. ^^; » «ooc: What are you complaining about? :P You're the only one who can even ATTEMPT that! » «ooc: But 8 MP ^^ » >> After about ten minutes, the shaman has a pile of leaves and stalk pieces in front of her. Drying them as best she can, she touches a hand to them and they begin to burn. Cathay: Warm yourself. I don't know how long I can keep the fire going. * Ellena nods, and puts her hands near the fire. "Thank you." Cathay: I have done nothing. No...You have. The fact that you're helping me find my way back...I cannot repay you enough... Cathay: Do not thank me yet. When you return to the world you may wish you had not. ...I know. But I won't know the answer to that until I go... Cathay: That's true. But don't think I'm some sort of savior. I'm just doing what I can to help the world. ... So what are we waiting for? Cathay: A companion. * Shane ejects through the hole with a large spray of water. * Shane then, uncerimoniously thumps to the ground in front of the two things there. * Ellena lets out a shriek and scrambles back! O_o "Ahh!" * Shane lies there on the ground, gasping for air... >> Cathay doesn't seem particularly startled. She stands up and walks over to him, helping him up. "Come with me. I have a fire." ...Ah...ah....ah...? ^^;;;; Oh...your companion? Not mine, yours. * Shane is moved into a sitting position by someone else. All he says is "I hate this place..." *** Retrieving #WARPG info... Mine? But I do not know this man...? «ooc: er -? » >> Cathay helps Shane over to the fire. "Warm yourself. I will explain when you are well enough to speak." * Shane then realizes that a *person* is helping him, and looks at them. * Shane blinks a few times. * Ellena looks back at Shane quietly. ... Cathay: Hello. H...Hi... ^^ * Shane looks back and forth between them, a question on his face. ...Are you both people in my head too? Cathay: No. I am Cathay and this is Ellena. We are travellers. * Ellena finally begins to relax. "No...We're very real. What's your name?" * Shane shakes his head briefly, looks down as if unsure he'd see himself there, and looks back up, a friendly smile on his face. * Ellena smiles back slowly. ^^ I'm sorry... My name is Shane. I'm Ellena. It's nice to see a friendly face. Likewise, surely. >> Cathay looks a little purturbed. "You are not what I expected. You don't seem to have much experience in the spirit world." ...It's been a bit since I've seen anyone, really... Spirit world? Auto...cithila? * Ellena 's look of confusion returns again. ^^; Cathay: The name means nothing to me. How did you arrive here? I fell do... ... * Shane looks back at the water hole. ...It's a long story. Cathay: But why were you travelling the Airts to begin with? That is a very difficult method of transportation. « OOC: pardon the lapses. bosses and all leaving and talking to me. » Airt! Yes, that's what I was in... ... ...what... *exactly*... *is* an Airt? wait. Cathay: Airts are the way between. Did you say spirit world? >> She nods. * Shane looks very confused for a second, as if running through very large amounts of conflicting information... But... * Shane sits down on the ground, looking towards the horizon. << Poor Shane. ^^ >> * Ellena looks at Shane with sympathy. "We seem to be in the same boat Shane...I'm rather lost too. ^^" * Shane has a faraway look in his eyes, which refocus when he turns to Ellena. I'm sure we'll find the way home. * Shane smiles. Well, with such kindly companions, it will not be an unpleasant journey, even if we don't find our way... Cathay: It is not that complicated. The spirit world is the world comprised of the spirits of all living things, and exists parallel to the world which houses the bodies of those things. This part of the spirit world has been rent since time immemorial, and the wasteland that now exists allows passage across the Inner Sea. Are we *really* in the Spirit World? * Ellena blinks a moment, wondering. Cathay: Yes. Most specifically, the part of the spirit world that corresponds to the sea near Adlehyde. That is your destination? The one the Shamans always talk about, and the Nuns threaten children with stories of ghosts from? >> She nods. "Do not believe everything you hear about this place - few shamans have actually been here for extended periods. I have. " * Shane mumbles something under his breath inaudibly, and shakes it off. << I feel special.. yay. :D >> Are you all right, Mister Shane? I... er... Cathay: You are, however, heading to Adlehyde? Well, miss Ellena, let us just say that I'm having a rather large paradigm shift right now. * Ellena grins. "No kidding. ^^;" No... I was on my way to... Saint Centour? «ooc: Dope. :P » «ooc: Yay! They found the missing disks at the Los Alamos lab! We won't get blown up! :D » « OOC: who had them? » « OOC: scratch that! » «ooc: I'm looking at them now. I think they were just in the lab somewhere else. ^^ » Yes... I am going to Adlehyde... The way into the hidden parts of my mind? Kema: Not yet...the way to Adlehyde. TIme is passing. I must go to Adylhyde? Kema: That's where you'll find the first piece of the device. Make no mistake: this is a race. * Shane nods somberly. «ooc: ERK » «ooc: IGNORE » ...Although I *was* on a boat when last I knew where I was... «ooc: ESPECIALLY LUCCA AND STOREN » « OOC: ... » «ooc: Sorry. ^_^ » « OOC: TYPE /CLEAR !!! » «ooc: yis » << Umm.. uh.. ok! *gets out Men in Black mid wipe gun* ^_^ >> «ooc: hehe. ^^; » «ooc: *pzzzt* » Cathay: Good. You are the man we were looking for. We should go soon. There are many hours of walking left. Hours? :/ * Ellena sighs. ^^; Cathay: Be thankful. It would be a week's voyage by sea. Is... time here the same as time... home? Oh. Wel...I...sorry. :/ Cathay: Yes. However, we are close to shore, and our journey carries the blessings of the Guardians. These are rough waters. It is an easier journey by foot. «ooc: I'd be afraid if it carried the blessings of whoever gave my clarvoyance skill poopiness. :p » * Shane realizes he's drenching wet, and trys to wring some of the moisture out of the bottom of his shirt. blessings of... * Shane shrugs it off. >> The fire has dried him somewhat, but it's clear that one step out from under the flower will render him just as wet as before. * Shane sighs. Maybe you should wring out your shirt when we reach a much drier place, Mister Shane. ^_^ Indubitably. >> Cathay stands, places her hand on the stalk of the giant flower, and mutters quietly under her breath. >> The flower shrivels into nothingness, leaving nothing behind but a wrinkled husk and a ripe orange fruit. Cathay picks up the fruit and gives it to Ellena. (to Ellana) Well then... I take it that you are the traveller, and she is your guide? >> Ellena gets a Revive Fruit! Cathay: Time to go. * Ellena takes the fruit. "Wow...Thank you." And yes, Shane...that's right. ^^; Cathay: I didn't do it. >> With that, she sets off again at a brisk walk. «ooc: It was the Sproutlings! » * Ellena frowns. "She seems to be very humble..." Not that it's a bad trait, but... * Shane follows the pair, keeping up with Ellena. * Ellena follows, getting soaked instantly. Were you intending on coming here... or did you come against your will too? No..I needed to go through here to go...home. But I don't know my way around at all... :/ I see... ... «ooc: I so have the Immortal stronghold music for next session. >:D » ...the only way home for you was through here? «ooc: Say when you're done talking and I'll fast forward. ^_^ » Where are you from, Mister Shane? «ooc: Gah. She has a Chamoloism! » << heh. ^^ >> « OOC: ? » «ooc: Chamolo was a priest who always said miss or sir. :p » «ooc: or Mister. :p » Originally... everywhere. Of late, uptown Adlehyde. So you're a traveler like me... «ooc: We'll have to wrap up the chat soon. ^_^ » * Shane shrugs off the unanswered question. everything is weird enough as it is. «ooc: Do it when you feel you need to, Gayo ^^ » So... what's her story, then? You mean Cathay? * Shane nods. I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure she's a shaman though...She lit that fire over there with her hand alone! Heh. I figured as much as well... She could be a crest mage though...but she...she doesn't seem the type to me. >> They walk for eternity...muscles aching, clothes soaked and the frigid rain seeping down to their bones. The only sounds are the rolling thunder, the roar of the rain, and the sounds of the four pairs of wet footsteps. «ooc: Time passes. :D » Likewise... you know of magic then? * Ellena blinks. "Ah...er...a little? ^^" «ooc: Wait...Lucca. » «ooc: When are you starting Vay again? » «ooc: 6 PST. » «ooc: You need me to start later? » «ooc: 6:30 is your limit. ^^ » «ooc: no, no, that's good. Keep chatting. » «ooc: Ignore my last post then. » «ooc: The time passes one. » « OOC: that's 9 EST, ja? » >> Cathay remains dead silent. It's hard to tell if she can even hear them. «ooc: ^_^ Yes. » «ooc: Yeah. I was wrong. » Do you know magic? * Shane smiles coyly... A little. You're lucky, then. :) I read much more than I practice, tho. Oh? Why do you say that? Magic is an important thing. It can also be deadly if misused or misunderstood. You seem to have a firm grasp on it. * Shane shrugs. >> Time passes slowly...muscles ache and joints protest, but they keep on walking. It's an asset when you're in my trade. Understanding ARMs is aided by Thaumaturgy. Trying to understand ELW technology demands it. Elw technology? ^^; Cathay: Shane...what are you doing in Adlehyde? . o O ( Uh oh...^^; ) Yeah... Elw... fascinating pieces. Mostly why I'm an inventor. They were masters! They...where now? ^^; * Ellena begins to look nervous. >> Cathay coughs. * Shane turns to Cathay. What, usually, or now? ... Cathay: Now. * Shane turns to Cathay. " What, usually, or now?" « OOC: how do you pronounce Elw? » «ooc: El. » «ooc: I pronouce it E-loo. :) » «ooc: Actually it's a cross between the two. » « OOC: I usually think it E-loo, but say it... weird ;) » «ooc: The Japanese is "Eru", anyow. » « OOC: Is cathay answering me? » Cathay: Now. «ooc: She did. ^_~ » Oh, well, that. Well, it seems that I told myself that I have to go home to save the world from certain doom. Doom? What's wrong with Filgaia? :/ Cathay: Very grandiose of you. I'm going along with it because it's either true, or I'm going crazy. If the later... would I even know? I don't know exactly whats long. You'd have to ask, apparently, another part of me. A part that claims to be a part of all of you too, unless I misunderstood... Cathay: That is true. You will be taking Ellena with you. * Ellena blinks. But...? * Shane 's tone of voice is one that you get the impression he doesn't quite believe it all, but isn't quite putting you on. «ooc: So it's half assed, then! ;) » « OOC: kinda flippantly, but more than that. » >> Cathay marches onward without even turning around. "Mariel instructed me to deliver you to those who could protect you." * Shane blinks. (twice) . o O ( But he's...! ) * Ellena walks a bit faster now. ^^;;; waita... Firstly, Which part of what I said is true? (to the Shaman) Cathay: I don't know. But you said... How can you say part was true, and then tell me you don't know which? Cathay: I only know what I am told. I am a pawn in the overall scheme of things. ... . o O ( A pawn....I feel the same way. She says I can trust this man...but...but he's... ) ...Your logic befuddles me. If you know what you're told, and you were told something that made you say that something I said was true... * Shane sounds a bit irate. Like Cathay is playing keep-away with his sanity. I'm sure your questions will be answered soon, Shane... Cathay: I don't pretend to understand. >> They walk for eternity...muscles aching, clothes soaked and the frigid rain seeping down to their bones. The only sounds are the rolling thunder, the roar of the rain, and the sounds of the four pairs of wet footsteps. * Shane looks a bit withdrawn for a second. Well, secondly... She's to come with me? * Ellena shivers a bit, the cold finally beginning to bother her. ^^; Cathay: Yes. She is your ward. * Ellena gives Cathay a questioning look. I thought she was trying to get home. >> She doesn't see, as she hasn't looked at them in ages. (w) You could never truely take me home, Mister Shane... Shane: She is a traveller. Her home is gone. Cathay: She is a traveller. Her home is gone. « OOC: (w) ? » * Ellena blinks a lot now O_o «ooc: Whispered » Gone?! It's not gone...I just can't go back, Cathay. It's gone to you. Cathay: It's gone to you. What? Destroyed? No...Not destroyed. Don't worry, Mister Shane. Cathay: And I think you would find that if you returned, it would not be the place you knew. * Ellena blinks much more. "Did something happen while I've been gone?' Cathay: Not that I know of. ... * Ellena looks just about as confused as Shane at this point. ^^; Where exactly is your home, Ellena? Cathay: It's of no concern. Your home now is with those who can protect you. It's...a place you probably wouldn't know of, Shane. It's far away. >> splsh Oh, I dunno... I've been most of Filgaia over, and read about the rest... Cathay: Shane...you say you have had a vision that you must save Filgaia? ...besi... what was that? «ooc: You all missed the obvious tipoff. haha. :D » «ooc: Splash :p » «ooc: No, really, you did. Go back and see. » * Shane looks around. « OOC: we *all* did? » >> Darkness and ruins, as far as the eye can see. «ooc: There's only two of you. » * Shane looks back. << Read the footsteps part guys... ^^ >> Uh... Cathay? «ooc: hey. No fair giving hints. ^_~ » «ooc: Four footsteps! » Cathay: Yes? ...Hey... Did you hear something? Yeah... * Ellena looks back. >> Cathay stops, looking irked. She scans the area. Half-ruined bits of walls are the only objects. >> Cathay stops, looking irked. She scans the area. Half-ruined bits of walls are the only visible objects. ...I must be paranoid... I heard it too... * Ellena looks up. >> splsh * Shane turns immediatly. There! Did you hear that? Cathay: Nothing can live out here for long. Nothing has any reason to come to this place. Why are we here, then? >> Cathay summons a ball of light in her left hand, casting a careful glance around. "We are not spirits." «ooc: brb » What's going on....? Cathay: We have no choice but to keep moving. Perhaps we should move a little faster. ^^; * Shane sighs, and tries to remember anything he can about the Spirit Realm... now wishing he hadn't contemptuously seen them as fairie tales... * Shane sighs. >> Cathay travels onward, keeping the ball of light handy this time. This whole place feels eerie... We'll be okay, Shane...as long as we keep aware of our surrondings. * Shane sighs and nods. «ooc: ^^ I wish I had my laptop right now. :D My dad and I looked at some before I came on :) » « OOC: I'm being sent one I won on Ebay :) » So... you can't go home? «ooc: Lucky. :O » No... >> splsh ...There! * Ellena turns around. >> Nothing. I won't pry... it's ob.... I heard it too. * Ellena quickly turns back around, so that Cathay doesn't leave her behind. Cathay: Hmm...it wasn't one of you? No. * Shane shakes his head. Cathay: Well...hmm. «ooc: I think the beanstalk is coming after us! :0 » Cathay: Keep a watch out behind us. We need to keep on going. I'll keep a look out. «ooc: actually, with my perception... :p » Unless...someone else wants to do it? ^^; I'll take the rear... >> Shane's foot sticks in a bit of muddy ground. ..so.. ..hey... Shane? Cathay: What's the problem? I'm... stuck... * Ellena tries to grab onto Shane's hand, and attempts to pull him out! >> Shane is yanked behind a stone wall, and squelching and thrashing sounds emanate from its vicinity as bits of mud fly. Ellena is left with her face on the ground. Ouch! «ooc: It ate Shane? You bastard! » * Ellena quickly hops up, rubbing her nose. "Shane! Where did you go?!" * Shane trys to get his gun. >> A gunshot rings out, and a ball of mud rolls out from behind the wall and collapses on the ground with a splat. * Shane runs out a bit, trying to see everything. Shane? Are you all right? :/ >> Cathay dispels the ball of light and tenses. Yeah... What was *that*? Some sort of mud creature? >> A slick, muddy hand slowly rises out of the remains of the mudball. Ah-! ... * Shane shoots at it. >> The mud puddle rises up, gurgling and flowing into a vaguely humanoid shape. Shane is suddenly grabbed from behind by another mud thing. * Shane shots at it a lot. Shane!! « OOC: oh crap. » Aaahhh.... >> The bullet blasts its head cleanly off, but it slowly reforms. * Shane trys to wrest himself fre. * Ellena What are going to do!? «ooc: er » What are going to do!? >> Cathay grabs Shane by the shoulders and yanks him away, with two severed muddy arms still clinging to his chest. They melt away. --Combat!-- << Hands Lucca a "we" :) >> «ooc: Gah! A winner is you! ;D » Enemy left front: Ooze A Enemy Right Front: Ooze B, C *** Gayo is now known as Hanpan --PAUSE!-- -- The screen fades to black and Hanpan runs out, waving to the players. « OOC: hee hee » «ooc: Yeah! Oh this is cool! We get Hanpan! » «ooc: *puts on Spinach Rag* » Hi! This is a special kind of battle, where you're being attacked from both sides! «ooc: Well fuck me up with a chainsaw, Hanpan! Lucky us! :) » There are enemies on the left AND the right. << lol! >> « OOC: G'hee! » This means that there is no "back" row. «ooc: ... ... ... ;_; » The right ally row is in range of the right enemy row, and the left ally row is in range of the left enemy row. There is a middle ally row, but it will vanish at the end of the first turn unless there are people in both ally right, ally left, and middle. Understand? « OOC: yes » «ooc: Yes :) » Okay. Declare rows now, for convenience's sake. Cathay is in Ally Right. Ally Left «ooc: Ally right. » Ellena can be in the middle if she wants. Since there is a Left and Right. «ooc: Okay, I'd like to be middle. :) » Okay. *** Hanpan is now known as Gayo --RESUME!-- Round 1! Ally Left: Shane Ally Middle: Ellena Ally Right: Cathay * Shane grunts. "This is exactly what I needed..." I should have known we'd be attacked by something... -_- (sarcastically, not satisfied or bloodthirsty or anything ;) «ooc: Oh, one more thing. Enemy Left and Enemy right count as different parties. » Cathay: This doesn't make sense...even blights usually stay out of the wasteland. «ooc: gotcha. :) » Blights? You mean...Negative things? * Shane 's focusing on his aim. Blights are spirits created by foul things, corruption and pollution. must be a lot of those these days... * Ellena says this a touch sarcastically. "I'm sure GaiaCo. produces a ton of those..." «ooc: not sarcastically...bitterly. :P my bad » Ellena uses Earth Infusion! DP and Agi +1 level! «ooc: Urk. One sec. » «ooc: ^^ Wah. Don't I get to say something nifty? ^^ Well, I don't have an alias yet, sooo :p » «ooc: You pose now. » «ooc: Okay...that brings agi up to...30...and DP to...uh...10. Wee, nice even numbers. » «ooc: Wait. » «ooc: That's totally wrong. » «ooc: It's 36 and 12 » « OOC: multiples of 6! » * Ellena closes her eyes, clasping her hands. "Earth's blessing...aid me..." «ooc: go now :) » Cathay charges! Force+1! «ooc: I'll eventually make a better alias :p » << Rah rah rah! :D >> «ooc: BTW Ellena, all summons are at +1 on the cost chart, plus another +1 for being you. So +2 total. » * Shane takes careful aim at the creature in front of him, and starts muttering some words that are definitly not his normal tounge... «ooc: so it's double the price then? :p » «ooc: No no no...look at the cost chart./ » << No way! ^^ >> « OOC: no, half » «ooc: Ah! Cool! :D » «ooc: Not necessarily half. :P » «ooc: You have to look at the cost chart. ^_~ » >> Cathay begins to murmur prayers as energy gathers around her. Shane uses Magic Shot and Crackshot! Aimed Fire attack on Ooze A! «ooc: These things have the most ass agility imaginable. ^_^ » * Shane fires as a red flash of flame focuses around his muzzle. 43! (43) «ooc: Fire has no particular effect » Cathay: You need to use holy energy. Holy Energy? Like light? >> Cathay doesn't answer...she's back to praying. * Ellena hmms. * Shane nods silently, and starts chanting already. Ooze A attacks Shane! 31! 33! (64) Ooze B attacks Cathay! Miss! 16! Ooze C attacks Cathay! Miss! 17! * Shane grunts. Shane! Are you okay? * Shane nods, and goes back to chanting. Round 2! All Oozes regain 10 HP! « OOC: ... » >> The creature Shane shot begins to flow back together... Then..if they can be killed by holy energy... Light from the heavens...Yes...That's it! Cathay summons Solus Emsu! * Shane stares intently on the mud-thing, ready to place another bullet where the first one went. >> A dazzlingly beautiful man in ornate white garb descends from the heavens in a cloud-parting beam of light. * Shane 's concentration is washed over by a wave of naseau as he turns around slowly... >> He spares a sidelong glance at Shane, then turns his attention to the blight creatures. << Shane doesn't like Solus..? Aww. :( >> * Shane 's eyes meet his for a second, and Shanes go as large as saucers. Shane? What's wrong? :/ * Shane aims his gun at the huge thing, shakily... It's all right! Guardian's are mostly belovolant! * Shane backs away, *towards* the muddy things... Shane! * Shane 's eyes are dazed... no thought seems to be in them... * Ellena tries to pull him back into the ally line! ^^; 55 damage to Ooze B! 57 damage to Ooze C! * Shane tries to squeeze the trigger as he starts gibbering, but his gun is now on the ground, not able to keep a grip... He starts running. Shane!! O_o * Ellena falls on her face, since she was holding on to Shane. ^^; >> The divine figure lifts a hand and the bullet dissolves. He then vanishes. * Shane doesn't notice, but he's now shreiking, high and shrill. Ellena charges! «ooc: With her face on the ground ;) » Force+1! Cathay: Shane! Get back here! * Shane runs. * Ellena hops up. -_-; Shane drops his weapon and moves the Enemy Left Row! Shane drops his weapon and moves TO the Enemy Left Row! Shane! Come back...! O_o >> The creature backhands him, forcing him back. Ooze A attacks Shane! «ooc: ^^ I have a feeling I got that revive fruit for a reason :p » 34! 32! (66) * Shane is still screaming, and if he can't get around the mud-thing, will claw through it. Cathay...what is wrong with him? >> That doesn't work very well. He's sent reeling backwards. Cathay: He must be afraid of the Guardians. «ooc: Cathay: What a dumbass. :D » But why? They wouldn't hurt someone like him...unless he was.. Cathay: No fears are rational... Ooze B and C attack Cathay! * Ellena humphs. "My fears are perfectly rational." * Shane , being prevented from escape, balls up and bawls. 32! 32! Miss! 34! (98) << Shane: Mommy! make the bad Guardian go back under the bed! ;_; >> « OOC: no kidding ;_; » Shane! We need you...please come back... :/ «ooc: Hmm. I made this too hard. Cathay now has five Potion Berries instead of Heal Berries. :D » «ooc: Sweeeeet. ^_^ » * Shane is now rocking back and forth... the noise he's making is now a pulsing wail than an extremly high-pitched shreik. Round 3! Everyone gains a level of force! All Oozes regain 10 HP! * Ellena looks at Shane. "I'm sorry...but we have to survive... -_-;" Ellena summons Solus Emsu because she hates Shane! «ooc: nooo! » * Ellena raises one of her hands aloft! "Solus Emsu...Creature who decides who is pure or impure...I leave this being to your judgement!" << lol! Uh oh! ^^ >> * Ellena then quickly looks at Shane with a sad little expression. ^^; >> Solus emsu appears and lays down the smack! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAAAAA! * Ellena sighs and hangs her head in her hands. ^^;;; << *has the white coats on call to cart Shane away if it gets bad* ^^ >> «ooc: brb » 109 damage to Oozes A and B! * Shane 's trying to claw his way through the dirt for shelter. If down is the only way to go, so be it. It's not as if rational thought is present at the moment. >> Unfortunately, the ground is made of interlocked rocks. Cathay attacks Ooze B! Cathay: We don't have time to worry about it.... << I keep thinking of my mother with that name.. ^^ >> 23! Critical-34! (57) Ooze B melts into a puddle of sludge! Shane does nothing! * Ellena smiles! :D Ooze A attacks Shane! Critical-48! Critical-45! (93) Shane is KO'd1 * Shane stops making loud noises. He decides fainting is a better idea. Shane! O_o "..." ooze C attacks Cathay! 15! 16! (31) Ally Middle becomes Ally Left row! Round 4! Cathay: It's best for him right now...just stop that thing back there from killing him! ..Right! Ellena summons Solus Emsu! * Ellena raises one of her hands aloft! "Solus Emsu...Creature who decides who is pure or impure...I leave this being to your judgement!" «ooc: Down to 9 MP ;_; » «ooc: Meditate is essential. ^_~ » «ooc: Heh! I forgot about that. ^_^ » 109 damage! Cathay attacks Ooze C! Critical-34! 19! (53) Ooze C melts! Ooze A attacks Ellena! Oh no-! O_o «ooc: Don't bother worrying. ^_^ » «ooc: Heh. It's an IC thing to do :p » Miss! Miss! (0) * Ellena smiles. ^_^ Round 5! Ooze A regains 10 HP! You're sort of slow. ^_^ Ellena Meditates! * Ellena focuses her mental might. ^^; Failure! «ooc: Only has a 60% chance of working. But that's good. ^_^ » Cathay moves to the Ally Left row! Ooze A attacks Ellena! * Ellena gazes at the prone Shane, and looses her focus... -_- 20! Miss! (20) Agh! Round 6! Everyone gains a level of force! Ooze A regains 10 HP! Ally Left Row becomes Ally Front Row! Enemy Left Row becomes Enemy Front row! * Ellena is thrown back, the handkerchief she uses to cover hair falling off, revealing a set of dog-like ears... * Ellena apparently doesn't notice. ^^; << Shane better not wake up and freak more. ^^ >> Ellena charges! Force+1! Cathay uses Mystic and uses a potion berry on the Ally Front! Ally Front regains full HP, except for poopy shane! «ooc: I am the queen of poopiness! >:D » Ooze A attacks Cathay! 18! Miss! (18) >> Cathay shrugs it off. "Come on! We've almost got it..." Right...! Round 7! Ellena summons Solus Emsu! * Ellena raises one of her hands aloft! "Solus Emsu...Creature who decides who is pure or impure...I leave this being to your judgement!" 131 damage! Ooze A is fried! Victory! 100 EXP! Ellena gains a Potion Berry! «ooc: Yaay! *Hugs it!* » << Yay. :) >> We did it, Cathay! Cathay: Whew...I don't get it...why are there blights out here? Can you get Shane? He's hurt. Shane revives with 1 HP. Of course... * Shane 's still unconscious. * Ellena kneels down and shakes Shane gently. "Shane? You okay?" * Shane 's bleeding quite a bit, if shallowly, and is still out. * Ellena sighs. :/ Cathay...he's pretty hurt... >> Cathay turns, frowning. "We need to get him to shelter..." >> Slowly, the bits of foul glop slide away from the three, pulling themselves together into a giant pile of mud. It begins bubbling and rippling violently, as it rears itself up into a twelve-foot tall mud giant. O_o Oh no! Cathay: What....*whirls around* What the hell!? Cathay! Shane's still hurt...we can't possibly fight this...! << If Scott was here he'd make a Golem comment. ^^ >> Cathay: I don't think we can outrun it...do you have any sort of Elw tricks? « OOC: It's the Golgothan! » Elw tricks.... « OOC: Quick! Get Silent Bob! » «ooc: And this is the ACTUAl fight. ^_~ » Maybe I can find out what it is? ^^; Cathay: Anything works... --Combat!-- Enemy Front: Amalgam * Ellena closes her eyes. "Just what are you...?" << Terrible Blight Monster - Amalgam! :o *da da da!* >> «ooc: LOL :) » * Gayo :searches for appropriate music: «ooc: OOC » << Oddly, I've been listening to ARcana battle music in the spirit realm. :) >> « OOC: nono... *DA* da da da! » Ellena meditates! Failure! Cathay uses Concentration! Mind doubled! * Ellena 's focus is screwed up yet again ^^: «ooc: BTW, I'm leaving your Earth infusion on 'coz I'm nice. ^_~ » Amalgam attacks Cathay! «ooc: Thanks Gayo :D » * Shane 's twitching slighly, and occasionally muttering things, as if in nightmares.... 29! 31! (60) Round 2! Cathay: I'm going to see if I can figure out what we're up against... That'd be good. ^^; Ellena meditates! * Ellena tries one more time...really focusing! Regains 6 MP! «ooc: YES! » * Ellena smiles! ^^; Cathay Assesses! 2 successes! «ooc: Q: How many HP does it have, and can it be killed? » «ooc: A: 200 HP, dies for good when this form is defeated. » Cathay: I think we have a chance... * Ellena nods. "We can do this..." Amalgam charges! Force+2! «ooc: O_o good roll. Got a 90. » «ooc: ;_; » Round 3! Everyone gains a level of force! Amalgam is Condition Green! Ellena summons Solus Emsu! * Ellena raises one of her hands aloft! "Solus Emsu...Creature who decides who is pure or impure...I leave this being to your judgement!" 37 damage! Cathay attacks! * Ellena sighs -_-. "The results aren't as good as I hoped... :/" 6! 8! (14) Cathay: What the HELL? ...If there was someway we could lower his defenses... Amalgam attacks Cathay! Or perhaps up our stre....Cathay! Cathay: I know! But I...agh! 30! Miss! (30) Round 4! Amalgam regains 10 HP! «ooc: ^_~ » «ooc: This is so wrong ;_; » >> Cathay holds her hands out in front of her, summoning her aura. Shane uses Crackshot and Magic Shot to attack with Air! «ooc: Shane is alive? O_o » «ooc: With 1 HP. But he'll go nuts again as soon as we summon. ^_^ » Amalgam is weak against air! 20 damage! «ooc: Oh Shane! THANK YOU! :O » * Ellena blinks at this. "That's it"! Ellena meditates! Regains 6 MP! Cathay summons Equitus! >> A giant sword thrusts up out of the middle of the ground as the sword tutle bores his way up, roaring defiance. Ally party's strength doubled! * Shane 's face contorts to a half-open-mouthed horror-filled grimace as he sees this... and watches the Shaman do it... and now remembering what just happened... * Ellena looks at Shane. "How can he survive in a world where Guardians are such a way of life..." * Shane freezes like a deer in the headlight. Then he bolts. Shane withdraws! * Shane runs. DIrection: away. Amalgam uses Death Flood! >> The giant blight rears back, giving off a gurgling roar and gushing over the two shamans, smothering them in foul ooze before reforming. Augh! Ellena is poisoned, blinded and diseased! Cathay is poisoned, blinded and diseased! «ooc: ^^; Oh fusk. And we don't have any war repsites. ;_; » «ooc: How much MP does cathay have left? » «ooc: zero. We REALLY need an odoryuk shaman. ^_^ » «ooc: Well, I can summon him.. :P » «ooc: That'd knock me down to...what? 4-5 MP? :P » « OOC: perhaps you should all run ;) » << I'd do it if I can swipe another magic carrot! :D >> << but I'm not here. wah. >> « OOC: and I'd heal... if I was sane... » «ooc: You have zero force. but if you did it you'd be at 4. » Round 5! Amalgam regains 10 HP! Cathay: G...ah. «ooc: I have zero force? » «ooc: Yes. Wait, no. 2. I suck./ » «ooc: I thought I had at least one. ^^; » «ooc: oh. Yay! » Ellena suymmons Odoryuk! * Ellena raises her hand aloft. "Gentle patron for the suffering...heal us in our time of need!" >> Stuff happens. All conditions healed! << Ellena summons My Little Pony! ^-^ >> «ooc: ^_^ » «ooc: BTW, you can high summon for 1.5 times the listed cost, but can't use a force to help you. » «ooc: I can? O_o NOW You tell me :p » Cathay charges! «ooc: I don't need to tell you, it's in the docs. :D » << That's true... I jsyt never though about that since my costs were astronomical. ^^ >> «ooc: ... :( » Force+1! «ooc: You can only high summon Lucadia. » « OOC: I knew that... I thought you were choosing not to. » «ooc: She has +1 to ALL summons in ADDITION to the +1 for being in the spirit world though. » The Amalgam looks around, the bounds after Shane! << Yeah.. what a nice bonus. :) >> Cathay: What..>? Shane! Cathay: Damn! After it! Shane can't be allowed to die or I will have failed Master Tyrell! Amalgam chases Shane! Right! Round 6! Everyone gains a level of force! * Ellena follows the giant mud creature. Why is it after him!? Cathay: It's incomprehensible to me. Oh, and Alamgam regains 10 HP. «ooc: El, actions? ^_~ » «ooc: Blah. » «ooc: We only have a little bit of time left. ^_^ » «ooc: I am decreasing it's HP to 100, btw. » «ooc: Thanks! ^^; » « OOC: heh. » «ooc: Remember, you can go to 6:30 if need be. There's like, hardly anyone in vay now. » «ooc: I will be. » «ooc: You'll have a hard time killing it anyway. I expected to have Shane here. ^_~ » Ellena charges! * Shane , who is not screaming, is however sprinting, and much faster than he ever could on Filgaia (Thanks, spirit-form! ) Force+3! Ellena is Condition Green! «ooc: Rolled a 93. » «ooc: Oh mammy. ^^ Does this mean that my summons are free? ^^ » «ooc: No. » «ooc: Doh ^_^ » «ooc: That's +4 on the summon chart, not 4 force. » «ooc: Oh. okay » «ooc: FOrce has nothing to do with how high you are on the chart unless you're using summon forces. » << Don't let it get you down.. I'm behind ya Luccas. :D >> Ellena summons Fengalon, who winds up chasing the thing that's chasing Shane! * Ellena raises a hand aloft. "Trying to keep up...Master of the Winds...sprint and strike the sinners!" «ooc: That...was...ICKY. » >> Three razor cuts and a blur are the only indication that the White Tiger ever came and left. 34 damage! «ooc: It actually does less damage. ^_~ » Cathay attacks! «ooc: But isn't he weak to it? :( » «ooc: yes. » «ooc: Shoulda said that. I am keeping him at 200, otherwoise he'd be dead here. ^_^ » 15! Critical-21! (36) «ooc: Wait. That's not so. He's been regaining 10 HP » «ooc: I know. » «ooc: You ripped him early on though. » «ooc: Ah. Kay » Shane runs! Amalgam attacks Shane! « OOC: I'm not faster than a giant mud thing? » «ooc: A TWELVE FOOT TALL giant mud thing. » « OOC: it's mud! » «ooc: It has a hell of a stride. :P » « OOC: it sticks to the ground! » «ooc: Just accept! » « OOC: ^_^; » 18! 22! (40) Shane is KO'd! Oh no... :/ >> The creature roars and beats on Shane's unconscious form. * Shane collapses to the ground. Stop it! Round 7! Amalgam regains 10 HP! * Shane 's body starts bleeding profusely Cathay: I'm out of energy...you will have to court the Guardians from here on in. Ellena meditates! But I'm... * Ellena concentrates. Failure! «ooc: 840 AP baby. :D » «ooc: Of course it haS 60 DP..>^_~ » 13! 15! (28) Amalgam attacks Ellena! >> THe blight whirls with a roar, smashing Ellena with an arm the size of a tree trunk. «ooc: OUCH. » «ooc: Oh crap. I'm not dead, am I? :( » 54! 48! (102) * Ellena screams, getting the wind knocked out of her! Round 8! Amalgam regains 10 HP! «ooc: Actions? » «ooc: Hurry hurry. » « OOC: lie here bleeding » «ooc: ^_^ » «ooc: Oh! » Ellena meditates! Regains 6 MP! Cathay Mystics a Potion Berry! Ellena and Cathay regain full HP! Amalgam charges! Force+1! Round 9! Everyone gains force! Amalgam is CG! Amalgam recovers 10 HP! Ellena charges! ...jesus fuck. Force+3 becaudse she rolled a 99! «ooc: ^_^ Life is good. » << woah! >> Ellena is condition green! * Ellena feels a head rush! O_o «ooc: Actually, life is not good. Wait and see. :D » Cathay attacks! « OOC: way to kick in the magical adrenaline! » «ooc: They're gonna do that stupid status attack, aren't they? » Critical-22! 13! (35) Amalgam uses Death Flood! «ooc: .... ... .... WAH » Ellena is poisoned, blinded and diseased! Cathay is poisoned, blinded and diseased! This doesn't look good... * Ellena coughs! Cathay: We can make it. I intend to live a long life... Ellena resists because I suck! «ooc: HA HA HA! I knew I caught that! ;) » CG, that is. Round 10! Amalgam regains 10 HP! Ellena summons Fengalon! * Ellena raises a hand aloft. "Trying to keep up...Master of the Winds...sprint and strike the sinners!" Amalgam is weak against Air! 33 damage! «ooc: Gayo: Baha's here... ^^ Soooo, I gotta stop around 6:30 » «ooc: We're nearly done. » Cathay charges! Force+1! Cathay is Condition Green - poison, blind and disease cured! Round 11! Amalgam regains 10 HP! Er... Amalgam charges! Force+1 Round 11! Amalgam regains 10 HP! Ellena meditates! Failure! Cathay attacks Amalgam! 13! Critical-19!(32) Amalgam uses Essence Drain on Ellena! ! Drains 2 MP from Ellena! Regains 4 HP! 4 HP, even! «ooc: Works better when you have more than 2 HP. ^^; » «ooc: MP. Sigh. » << wow.. worse than a force drain. ^^ >> «ooc: And he regains SIX HP. » «ooc: Well, it only steals 1d6 MP. » * Ellena sighs -_- Cathay: I will not be defeated...not now, not ever. This is not the place the Guardians have chosen for me to die! Ellena meditates! Failure! «ooc: ;_; » Cathay attacks! Critical-20! Critical-22! Amalgam is killed! «ooc: Yay! » Thank goodness! >> The giant mud creature collapses in on itself, melting away under the driving rain. Ellena and Cathay are alone again...alone under the driving rain of the wastelands, with Shane's battered form. Oh, and Ellena and Cathay get 100 more EXP. --SESSION END-- Session Close: Fri Jun 16 21:18:52 2000