Welcome to "The List"
A comprehensive history of Storen's Past, Present, and Future RPG exploits
  • The List was last updated on: 12/25/07
  • Start times in EST. All games take place on LunarNet IRC servers unless otherwise noted.
  • Notations in ( ) indicate mechanics used. If none appear, a custom/non-standard game system is assumed.
  • "Morale" graph indicates my enthusiasm (if playing). Watched games are rated by descriptions.

  • Now Playing

    Lunar - Illusions of Grandeur, Book 2: A Gilded Chance (Middleground Mod)

    Run By:Myself - #Lunar-IoG2 (OoC Chat: #Iog-ooc)
    Time:Saturdays, 9 PM
    Play:The Storyteller and who knows...
    Status:Now in session 63.
    Heroes of Ivalice v2 (Forum Sim)

    Run By:Jar-Ras-Ek, other supporting staff - #simHoI
    Play:Gilda Brewster, a brilliant master Chemist & the "Healing Dragon" of the Cerulean Serpents.
    Status:Strategy sim inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics.
    Way of the Dragon v6 (Forum Sim)

    Run By:KDS, other supporting staff - #simwotd
    Play:Fei Lin, elegant owner of the Peony Blossom Boutique business in Luo Yang.
    Status:Strategy sim set in Romance of the 3 Kingdoms era China.
    Simulated RTK v4 (Forum Sim)

    Run By:Xiahou Mao, other supporting staff - #simrtk
    Play:Miao Tse Yao, proud Matriarch of the barbarian Miao people of Jian Ning.
    Status:Strategy sim set in Romance of the 3 Kingdoms era China.
    Commodoree (Forum Sim)

    On Hiatus
    Run by:Kimche, Jimmy - #commodoree
    Play:Maria-Rosa Milagros, a young Spanish colonial privateer & aspiring trader.
    Status:Naval RPG sim set in the 1520's Caribbean.

    Just Watching

    Beacons (Exalted 2nd)

    Run By:Doom_Gaze - #Beacons (OoC Chat: #bacon)
    Time:Sundays, 2 PM
    Playing:Senescent Clepsydra Fed by Tainted Oceans, an ancient Abyssal NPC.
    Status:A campaign in the West. Running sporadically.
    Exalted RPG (Exalted 2nd)

    Run By:Ketrus - #exalted (OoC Chat: #Eberron-ooc)
    Time:Fridays, 8 PM
    Status:An intense campaign. Running strong.


    Lunar Mecha (Middleground Mod)

    Apps Open
    Run by:Mia - #lunar-mecha
    Playing:Possibly Nicholas Songwright, an NPC antagonist & pilot of the Drakken school.
    Status:Fun mecha RPG set in a totally original, altered timeline Lunar.
    Other Possible Games to Watch For:
  • Bahamut's FF Tactics: Empire of Steel & Flame
  • DNW's Lufia RPG
  • Hahn's Phantasy Star IRCRPG
  • Zack's Secret of Mana RPG
  • Locke's Serenity: The Big Damn Game
  • Ark's Super Robot Wars
  • Gayo's Tower RPG
  • Lucca's Zelda RPG

  • Past Campaigns

    Alundra RPG

    Ran By:Amy - #Alundra (OoC Chat: #Alundra-ooc)
    Played:Lucian Hearthgrave, soldier of Silvermoon trying to fight the nightmare curse upon his family.
    Status:Lasted 2 sessions, faced scheduling problems. May restart.
    Arcadia/Underworld RPG (Freeform)

    Ran By:Nadia/Mia_Ausa - #ArcadiaRPG
    Played:Izumo Shiro, fallen Samurai from the realm of Kai in search of sight & himself.
    Status:Lasted for many years before finally ceasing sessions.
    - Your soul's quest in death is far from over... -
    Arcanum: Bloodlines

    Ran By:Bond & Cake - #Arcanum (OoC Chat: #simCoS)
    Played:Kristen Sturmwehr, an unaware Shaman with a knack for Bullets, Bibles and a Bad Ass Guitar.
    Status:Withdrew due to scheduling conflicts.
    Breath of Fire RPG

    Ran By:Mune - #BoFRPG, EsperNet
    Played:Dhisana Flamberge, ancient Maiden in the service of the Dark Dragon.
    Status:Lasted several sessions. Players quit.
    Deadlands RPG (Deadlands)

    Ran By:Alain - #onam
    Played:(adopted) Walks with the Thunder, Chippewa tribe shaman torn between the Raven & the Coyote.
    Status:GM on Hiatus. Most of cast quit.
    Disgaea RPG (Mutants & Masterminds d20)

    Ran by:Lance - #disgaea (OoC Chat: #Eberron-ooc)
    Played:Elsa Ahriman, a cleric, Dimension Guide, politician's daughter and all around nice fallen angel descendant.
    Status:Raised hell for 5 sessions! May restart.
    Dragon Force RPG II (MGS v2)

    Ran By:Scott - #Legendra
    Played:Azrael Halassa, brash swordsman hailing from the Highland Kingdom.
    Status:Lasted only one session.

    Ran By:Garion - #Eralan
    Played:Ishtaria Sylvain, half-elven orphan priestess of mysterious ancestry.
    Status:Lasted only two sessions.
    Eternal Earth (Freeform)

    Ran By:Nico - #Eternal
    Played: Camille Solglade, the professional D'ora groupie and general of servants!
    Helene Vientes, compassionate and wise paladin of Lufu who is more than what she seems.
    Status:Only appeared twice. Direction of game faltered.
    Exalted Test RPG (Exalted 2nd)

    Ran By:Lance - #exalted2e
    Played:Fettered Sestina, a Zenith caste martial artist hunting the demon that stole her voice.
    Status:Lasted 1 session, due to GM needing more experience first.
    Final Fantasy: Unlimited Dreams (FFRPG v7)

    Ran By:Myself - #FFURPG
    Played:Why the GM, of course!
    Status:Limited test campaign. Will restart for real someday...
    Final Fantasy Tactics RPG (MGS v1)

    Ran By:Bryann - #FFTRPG, EsperNet
    Played:Balbanes Beoulve, in the days of the 50 Year War.
    Status:Lasted about 20 sessions.
    Fury's Gate (D&D 3rd)

    Ran by:FoxInSox - #Foxgame, DumpshockNet
    Played:Camilla Solglade, cleric of Pelor out to save the farming community of Soulscythe from war's ravages.
    Status:Withdrew after 5 sessions due to time constaints. Still currently running?
    Final Fantasy Beta: An End to Innocence (FFRPG v6)

    Ran By:Bahamut - #FFBeta
    Played:Tao Errant, wandering Monk in search of his father & Yang's revenge.
    Status:Lasted nearly 20 sessions. Tough scheduling forced end.
    Grandia: New Horizons (FFRPG v7)

    Ran By:Amy - #Grandia
    Played:Jalanda Ahrgis, mysterious and aloof Rafane fortuneteller.
    Status:Lasted over 3 years and 117 sessions. Sequel possible someday.
    - Enjoy the peaceful future through a new pair of eyes... and at Dylan's side. -
    Heroes of Chaos: Japan (Forum Sim)

    Ran By:Naurek, other supporting staff - #HoC
    Played:Kitamura Miyuki, young miko/Shinto priestess in the service of Kurokawa Masahiro.
    Status:Strategy sim set in Nobunaga/Sengoku period Japan.
    - The dream of Kurokawa Masahiro never dies, as long as memories live. -
    Kindred of the East: The Warring States (Vampire)

    Ran By:Haeru - #AncientChina
    Played:Xing Jiao, ressurected courtesan who seeks the fuller life in unlife.
    Status:Lasted a few sessions. Tough scheduling forced end.
    Legacy of the Mystic Isles (D&D 2nd)

    Ran By:Shastao - #mysticisles
    Played:Sadira Zorlin, roguish thrill seeker out for fortune, fame, and the magical Gems.
    Status:Lasted 50 sessions, but fell short of ending.
    Lomien'nesse (D&D 3rd)

    Ran By:Haeru - #Lomien'nesse
    Played:Driscol A'Taerim, skilled diplomat & noble warrior-aristocrat.
    Status:Lasted only one session, I was NPC'd. GM hiatus forced end.
    Lunar RPG #2: Stolen from Time (MGS v2)

    Ran By:Trueblue - #StolenFromTime
    Played:Lynna Handred, dark & brooding Nanoconstruct daughter of Koran.
    Status:Lasted over 40 sessions, it's 3rd take. Sequel coming someday.
    - Rest peacefully now... you found your place. -
    Lunar RPG #14: Revelations (MGS v1)

    Ran By:Matthew - #L14-Revelations, MercuryNet
    Played:Fria, distant and mysterious Ice elemental.
    Status:Lasted several sessions. Home network collapse forced end.
    Lunar RPG #15: Stranger Awakenings (MGS v1)

    Ran By:Donovan (formerly Zepplin, formerly Stromewynd) - #LunarSA
    Playing:Raena Milagros, the current White Dragon Priestess.
    Status:Left game due to scheduling. May have finished.
    Lunar RPG #16: Illusions of Grandeur, Book 1 (MGS v2)

    Ran By:Yours truly! - #Lunar-IoG
    Played:The Storyteller, NPCs, and of course Ishtar.
    Status:Lasted 46 sessions. The first half of my epic story, finished in "A Gilded Chance".
    - Illusions fade in the dawn of Truth, but every end is only a new beginning... -
    Lunar - A Story Forgotten 2 (MGS v1)

    Ran By:DMLou - #LunarRPG-ASF2
    Played:Chrissy Vulcan, bright and spunky Terran machinist.
    Status:Became part-time player due to time constraints. Lasted 40+ sessions.
    - Keep working hard to restore the past glory, just watch those big explosions! -
    Mist's Legacy (Exalted)

    Ran By:Huw - #MistLegacy
    Played:Lazuli, conniving mist spirit servant of Stillblue. (NPC)
    Status:Lasted 36 sessions. Sequel is a definite possibility.
    - A river & its misty daughter are reborn, and a new cycle begins in Fate. What next for the new Solar masters? -
    The Ravager (D&D 3.5/Spelljammer)

    Ran By:Watcher X - #Ravager
    Played:Nia Fletcher, the ghost of Aro's little sister bound to an ancient family ring.
    Status:Withdrew after 16 sessions due to scheduling conflicts.
    Renalan's Wind

    Ran By:Garland/Seraphna - #Renalan, EsperNet
    Played:Rudual Gehenna, Darkwatch mercenary caught up in an unlikely mission.
    Status:Withdrew after 3 sessions.
    Secret of Mana: Seeds of Destruction

    Ran By:Yours truly :) - #Pureland
    Played:The GM, Keylia, and who knows...
    Status:Lasted 61 sessions. Party got the good ending! No sequel planned yet.
    - May the Mana Tree stand for all time... and Cody & Rachel have 15 children. ;) -
    Shining Force RPG II

    Ran By:Primeshade - #SFRPG
    Played:Reisha Granstream, powerful & sexy Thunder goddess (or so she likes to think).
    Status:Lasted over 30 sessions. Sequel prospects are dim, unfortunately.
    - You'll make David a happy man... in a whole lot of ways! -
    Sim Dune (Forum Sim)

    Ran By:Padishah, other supporting staff
    Played:Khalilah "Kali" Thurayya, reliable infantry commander and Guardian of House Gryphos.
    Status:Died out as admin Padishah disappeared.
    Simulated RTK v3 (Forum Sim)

    Ran By:Xiahou Mao, other supporting staff - #simrtk
    Played:Ao Xingjian, an architect, engineer, politician, diplomat and recruiter for the Southlands kingdom.
    Status:Strategy sim set in Romance of the 3 Kingdoms era China.
    - For your husband Zhao Chi and baby Ping, and for the glory of Liu Sun, the Han shall be restored! -
    Slayers: Knights of Xoana (Slayers d20)

    Ran by:Ketrus - #KnightsofXoana
    Played:Driscol Aurelian, dashing young half-dragon prince seeking his true blood lineage.
    Status:Originally postponed due to work schedule conflicts. Starting up a new campaign.
    Slayers RPG: Take Two! (Slayers d20)

    Ran by:Ketrus - #SlayersD20
    Played:Driscol Aurelian, dashing young half-dragon prince seeking his true blood lineage.
    Status:Lasted several crazy sessions. Postponed due to work schedule conflicts with GM... again.
    Southlands (Exalted)

    Ran By:Zack
    Played:Surreptitious Scarab, Night caste Solar with a background in gem thievery.
    Status:Lasted 10 sessions. Has now restarted as Southlands Redux.
    Southlands Redux (Exalted)

    Ran By:Zack - #Southlands (OoC Chat: #Eberron-ooc)
    Played:Surreptitious Scarab, Night caste Solar pursuing the Rainbow Jewels & revenge.
    Momiji, Zenith caste dancing queen & mistress of the Dreaming Pearl Courtesan style.
    Status:A collection of solo adventures. Stalled out due to schedule conflict.
    Star Ocean: Universal Truths

    Ran By:Radien - #SO2RPG
    Played:Triniti Arias, Tetragene artist in search of the Sword of Light.
    Status:Lasted over 40 sessions. GM & player disagreements forced end.
    Steel, Iron & Blood (Forum Sim)

    Ran By:Patricco, other supporting staff
    Played:Carmela Esposito, an aged Sicilian abbess with a knack for politics.
    Status:Left game due to poor playerbase/management.
    Tales of Destiny: The River of Time (MGS v2)

    Ran By:Bryann - #TalesRPG
    Played:Katya Basilard, ballistics expert seeking to avenge her land of Seingald.
    Status:Lasted nearly 50 sessions, but fell short of ending.
    The Coral Crown (D&D 3.5)

    Ran By:Zeke - #TheCoralCrown
    Played:Marzena Morningstar, Burandi warrior-maiden on a journey beyond the Halo.
    Status:Ran several sessions, but scheduling problems led to GM hiatus. Will resume eventually.
    The Dragon's Legacy

    Ran By:Windstar - #Legacy
    Played:Shekina, devout monk coming to terms with a half-demonic heritage.
    Status:Lasted only two sessions.
    Trucelands (D&D 3.5)

    Ran By:WatcherX - #Trucelands
    Played:Anasazi, humble village healer & spiritualist from a foreign land.
    Status:Ended after 6 sessions.
    Vay RPG (MGS v1)

    Ran By:Lucca - #VayRPG
    Played:Tara Hallowood, hyper farmer girl turned adventurer and Pillar of Melodia.
    Status:Lasted over 50 crazy sessions. You almost broke me, Lucca... almost!
    - Time to fit Erik into your busy schedule of saving the world and doing chores! -
    Veren (Freeform)

    Ran By:Atma - #Veren
    Played:Natalie Uccello, invalid girl from Italy granted wings of hope.
    Status:Plagued by small conflicts over two play periods. Ended when GM left network.
    Warlords: A Dragon Crashes to Earth v2 (Forum Sim)

    Ran By:Kymvir Raemiz, other supporting staff - #warlords
    Played:Shuge Fangbei, one-eyed warlord of Zhao Xiu, as well as slayer of barbarians and King Zang Tu of Yan.
    Status:Strategy sim set in Qin era China.
    - The North is saved, and the nation united. You can finally rest your black spear. -
    Way of the Dragon v5 (Forum Sim)

    Ran By:Zei Zao, Mei, other supporting staff - #simwotd
    Played:Fu Su Luan, elderly Sage of Taishan and master battle strategist.
    Status:Strategy sim set in Romance of the 3 Kingdoms era China. Restarted under new staff.
    Wild Arms: Steel Savior (WildArms v2)

    Run By:Gayo - #WARPG
    Played:Neydisa Kingfisher, Lucadian shaman struggling with drug addiction and her own destiny.
    Status:Hit nearly 50 sessions, but became plagued by scheduling. Revival possible but doubtful.
    Xenogears RPG (MGS v2)

    Ran By:Windstar - #XenogearsRPG
    Played:Shekina Kyung, monk of the Sacred Fist, along with her gear Suzaku.
    Status:Lasted a few sessions. Game files lost in computer crash.