Jessie's Story Part 1 -- Final Mission Cold and dark, the bliss of unconsciousness. At least now she couldn't feel the pain of the many wounds suffered at the hands of the Shinra. Calmly, she waited for the inevitable death that was approaching. She found some comfort in the fact that she had died protecting the home that she loved, and the things that were important to her. However, her thoughts were interrupted by the sensation of being raised up...up towards a light growing brighter and brighter. Someone calling her name. "Jessie, Jessie.." She recognized the voices. Slowly, she opened her eyes. A young man with blonde hair and piercing blue-green eyes was kneeling beside her, and with him was a brown-haired girl. Both wore a face of concern. "Jessie, are you all right?" questioned the man, "Its me, Cloud." She coughed a few times before gathering the strength to answer. "Cloud...I'm glad we had...this last talk." She turned her head to the girl alongside him. "And you, too, Tifa." "Don't talk like that, Jessie..." replied Tifa, trying to sound hopeful, "We'll get you all out of this." She coughed a bit more, a little blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. "It's too late for me...but Barrett, he is...still fighting up there, alone. He needs your help..." She looked into Clouds eyes as he and Tifa stifled tears, Cloud doing a much better job at staying serious. "Cloud..." "Jessie..?" was all that Cloud could say, waiting for her next words. "Promise me, Cloud...promise you'll protect Barret for me. And..." she paused, feeling her energy leaving her, "And promise that you'll do it for free...You'll ruin your life...if you just love gil and not someone else." "Jessie, I..." started Cloud, as Tifa shot him a strange glance -- one that he wasn't sure of its meaning. But somehow it reassured him. "I promise." Jessie smiled weakly. "Thank you...Cloud...Now go, help Barret. Don't worry about me. I've already part for the planet. Now it's your turn." Cloud and Tifa hesitated a moment, and ran up the stairs to where the leader of the AVALANCHE resistance movement was firing upon a Shinra helicopter. As they faded out of her vision, Jessie laid her brown-haired head back down upon the stairway's steel plating as the pain from her wounded shoulder and right leg became excruciating. She felt her mind racing, back to the time of her the days before AVALANCHE. It looked like the old adage was coming true, as the images became so vivid and intense. She closed her eyes, as 27 years flooded back... Part 2 -- Recollections Section number 7. It had always been her home. Only, back then, some people still remembered its real name...before they began the installation of the plates overhead. Back when it was sunny, and not covered in an eternal shadow of blackness. The town of Rhono, suburb of Midgar... She was born into a small family there, the Alcotts. Her mother Maria and father Terry were hard workers, trying to build a future in the city for their children. And how could she forget her older brother Anthony, who was always there for her when she needed him. Oh, how she missed them now... And that fateful day in school when she discovered her passion for technology. Everyone teased her and called her a "Computer Geek", but her parents and teachers encouraged the hobby, citing that one day it could become a promising career for her. But, just as she was about to go on to a special training college, tragedy struck... Her mother and father became very ill, and she canceled her plans for the future to stay at home and nurse them. But no matter what she did, their condition continued to worsen. The local doctors told her it was a pollution-related disease, and that there was no known cure. Still, she tried to find something, anything that could save them. First she lost her father Terry, and then her mother Maria a year later. It was now just her and Anthony left alone in the world... Her brother had found a good job with the Shinra corporation managing one of the factories near Reactor No.4, while Jessie continued her computer studies on a scholarship. Then one day, she took a dare from a friend and hacked into the Shinra network. It was then that she discovered the secret of the Makoro reactors now powering the city, the source of the pollution that killed her parents. They were slowly killing the very life-force of the Planet as well. She was quick to tell this to her brother, who began to question Shinra's environmental safety policy from his inside position. They both wanted others to know the dangers. And then the "accident" happened... At least that's what everyone called it. But Jessie knew deep in her heart that Shinra set it up. A simple car crash on a major highway one Saturday evening, caused by drunk driving. Only thing was, Anthony never drank. They wanted her brother out of the way because he had gotten to close to the truth. If only she had been there to stop it, he might still be alive... Then the hatred. Of everything Shinra, who had taken her whole family away from her. She slumped into a depression, as her life seemed to have no meaning anymore. And then, exactly one year ago at Cosmo Canyon, she met them. Barret, Biggs, Wedge, Tifa...they all had gone through the same pain she felt at the hands of the merciless conglomerate. This united them in a way nothing else could. The 4 gave her back the sense of family she so desperately longed for, and convinced her to fight for the protection of the whole world. And so she vowed, being like a mother to all of them...not to mention computer and explosives expert. Through all of the fake IDs, train runs, bombings, and propaganda, she felt as if everything would have a happy ending after all. But now fate had taken its final turn... Part 3 -- Farewell Her reverie was broken by the sound of a large explosion from above. She strained her battered body to sit up and get a better view. What she had feared had happened. The pillar emergency release had been bombed by Shinra. The whole shaft rumbled as the foundation of the upper plate began to collapse. She thought of her friends, and frantically scanned for them. Fortunately, voices shouting from overhead calmed her. They were all right. And just as she had thought, Barret would probably escape down the cable wire to Section 6. The fight against Shinra would go on after all... The stairway in which she lay now began creaking as a few chunks of rock smashed into it. Jessie slowly closed her eyes and spoke aloud, her words barely audible amidst the chaos around her. "Mom, Dad, Anthony, Biggs, Wedge, Barret, Tifa, Cloud...I can't help thinking...that I failed all of you...but at least I made a difference in this world for the...short time I was here. Now I can rest, knowing that...that there is still hope..." The explosions grew louder, nearing her position. The whole area began to shake violently, as the steel stairs were ripped off of their supports and tumbled down, along with the pillar's remains. Jessie's body slid off down into the endless darkness below, as a last few words escaped her lips. "Cloud, don't forget...your promise..." -- The End -- Epilogue -- Return to the Skies Calm, quiet, peaceful. This must be what the "Promised Land" was in all the fables. A soft green glow filled her vision, stirring her to awareness. Jessie felt a huge presence about her, images flooding her mind and voices ringing in her ears. The barrage continued until she could take no more, trying to let out a scream...but no sound came. Nothing but an all consuming void of thoughts and feelings surrounded her. Still she struggled against the overwhelming consciousness, trying to remain intact and not be swept away. A familiar voice calling her, softly at first, then louder with each passing moment. "Jessie...Jessie..." Was that Mother? Father? Anthony? Biggs? Wedge? She couldn't be sure, as the ideas were drowned out almost as soon as she could think of them. No, it wasn't them, it was something else... Jessie tried to speak, but again her mouth did not seem to be working the way it should. However, her mind thought instinctively. "Where am I? What is this place?" An answer came back to her through the mists. "You are home." Jessie questioned this, her conscious mind seeming the only thing that could function. "Home? This isn't my home, its in Midgar." The voice(or was it voices?) responded. "No, this is your true home, Jessie, with us here...we are the Lifestream." Jessie's mind reeled from the meaning of this statement. "Then I'm..." "Yes," replied the Lifestream, "you are dead, Jessie." She sank into a depressed state over this harsh reality. It looks like the tales from the Cosmo Canyon elders were true after all. "Then why am I here, still able to be myself? I thought people were taken into the Lifestream and became part of the Planet." "Yes, Jessie, that is loses their consciousness into the great rivers of life energy, and becomes one with the Planet." The voices paused a moment before continuing. "However, sometimes an individual leaves the living world with a strong sense of purpose and the will to retain their soul even from our embrace, and cannot return to the Planet immediately." "Are you saying that I'm one of those people?" The Lifestream did not hesitate to answer. "Yes." Jessie thought over the possibilities of being stuck here in limbo. Not good, not if she can't see her family again. "Then...then I'm to stay here forever, between the world of the living and the dead?" "If you would want to, you may, but there is another option for you." An image slowly formed in Jessie's mind, of herself lying in a grassy field in an unfamiliar land. It was her, but then it was not the vision shifted and changed between many different faces of all ages and colors. "There are many who would like this gift, but only few receive it. This is a precious second chance for those who protected the Planet in their lives to return to the living." She was shocked at this offer from the Lifestream. "I...I can go back?" "Yes, Jessie, you can." The voices grew very serious. "But there is one cannot return to the realm you once knew." Jessie pondered a moment. "But where can I go, if I can't be reborn into Midgar and see my friends again?" "Don't trouble yourself, Jessie. You will meet them there, although they might not be quite the same as you remembered. Time and events pass differently in alternate universes." She thought about the seemed like the only way other than an eternity of loneliness. There was no real contest on this one. "I'll do it, but just answer me one question." The voices waited. "What?" "Will I ever be able to see my family and AVALANCHE again?" The Lifestream replied in a comforting tone. "Of course, Jessie. Once you return to the Planet after fulfilling your dreams, you will become one with them and us." Jessie breathed a sigh of relief. "Maybe I can continue life after all, then. OK, lay it on me." She braced herself for the eminent shock to come. The voice receded once more into the glowing green backdrop. "Alright, Jessie. Good luck in your new life." Just then the voice formed into images of her family...Terry, Anthony, Maria, plus Biggs and Wedge...echoing "We will be waiting for you..." Jessie tried to smile as she was comforted by the hope of seeing them again, but soon the entire ethereal setting came crashing down on her. Like a billion knives sticking into her, she was painfully lurched from the land of dreams into solid reality. A reality in which she lay face up in a field, body and bones aching from a long journey. As she came to, Jessie opened her eyes to the crystal blue heavens overhead and marveled at their beauty, as she steadied herself and rose to her feet. "," she said in awe, "it's been so long..." ************ Story by Richard Paul Gregorio a.k.a. Storen Disclaimer: All FF7 characters and the city of Midgar, except for Jessie's family, are copyright Tetsuya Nomura & Squaresoft, Ltd. and used for fan-fiction purposes only.